Do you enjoy the seasonal treat called fruitcake? It is a hard cake with artificial flavors. If you're like most, it is a pass. In my life the only person I knew who enjoyed eating it was my older brother. In fact I believe that it began the concept of re-gifting. You know, you get something that you don't want, put it in the closet, give it to someone else next Christmas. I believe people store it in the freezer until the next holiday season and there it is on the table, looking fresh, unopened, waiting patiently for that one in a million.
In Iowa it is the season for fruitcake. It is quite a competitive market. Mitt Romney collected the largest share with 25%, however he spent the most money for those results. Think about this. The winner was rejected by 75% of the voters, however he did garner the support of an old, out of fashion brand, John McCain. Funny isn't it that the second largest share of the market, Rick Santorum, spent the second most amount of money. For traditionalist, Ron Paul just spoke about his substance ingredients and he placed third. There were a few other brand name fruitcakes on the Iowan market. Newt Gingrich utilized the re-gifting concept and people are wise to it. He probably will go out of business. Michele Bachmann said no matter what, I got a ticket to South Carolina to expand. I knew of course that she was not going to New Hampshire. Why? Because she appeared there once and declared that she was happy to be in the state that fired the shot heard around the world(Ding-Dong Award Winner). True to her word, she cancelled her expansion plans for South Carolina. The fruitcake business is extremely rough. In New Hampshire Jon Huntsman is trying out his family recipe, but he probably won't grab too much results as this is a small populated state and as I pointed out previously only one in a million respond to it.
LIARS and CROOKS: This week the first in the New Year goes to President Obama. It is not that he fits the guidelines to L&C, but worse, he supports laws that violate our constitution. We arrived at this from the past years results. He signed, although he stated regrettably, a new law that allows our military to detain any US citizen without charges just gut feelings of the administration. This tells me that I could be in trouble real soon. He also signed into law and yes again regrettably, his health care bill which will make young people criminals. Why? What is the most pressing concern for eighteen year old: a car, a date, health insurance? If you answered a or be, you too could become a criminal because the law says you must buy health insurance. Finally, he signed and yes regrettably, the Dodd Frank Bill. This act is to prevent another financial crisis among other aspects. The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act begins now, but here is the funny or not so funny part. The president signed into law a bill that is not even written in its entirety. Who in their right mind would make a law that is not even written? The sad answer is our president, the Democrat fruitcake.