Ever wonder what do these phony politicians argue about behind closed doors? Complaints, mostly. They are directed at the "other" party and where to get money to get reelected. With the truth exposed, every once in awhile, they do the job that they were elected to do. At the moment, the give and take is with the infrastructure bill. There are many points of contention, but we at Evolution feel the tax credit to help the US automakers develop and sell electric vehicles should be a slam dunk. It isn't!
Plus side...
more than 100 US House reps have asked the house Speaker Nancy Pelosi to keep a $4,500 tax credit for union-built electric vehicles.
Negative side...
this is not even close to 20%.
Where's Biden?
He talks about the "green" revolution, but this is an example of putting action before words. He talks about helping the middle-class. Our automakers in this country are still unionized. All the outsourcing is killing our middle-class. All the manufacturing jobs that have grown in the US has been in the South with the phony meme, "right to work." They are anti-union. The jobs pay better than what is available in these states, but those workers will find out the hard way when management looks elsewhere for cheaper labor. However, that is not the point. The reality is manufacturing has dropped to 12% and still falling. Union manufacturing barely holds 7%. These facts don't need Ivory Tower research. We can see it in people exiting retail and hospitality jobs by the millions. People are sick and tired of jobs with no social mobility, no benefits and no future.
Case in point
State sponsored entities receive government backing in money with rules and regulations along with tariffs. Yet, these same officials cry fowl when the US offers subsides to industries. The problem lies in capitalism. It is slow to react. How about space? In 1957 Russia scared America with Sputnik. It has taken almost 65 years for capitalism to join the party. Back in the day, China was a peasant society. With state sponsored money and help, they are on the far side of the moon. The US invented the phone, but our greedy CEO's in telecommunications show no US firm with 5G capability. They do buybacks but no R&D. The US invented solar, but lag in the industry. We don't make wind panels or solar panels. Our anti-union stance not only kills our middle-class, but social mobility and future economic growth.
When government offers contracts, the speed line to invention and innovation is put in place. Consider Eli Whitney? He got one of the first government contracts. He put the money into R&D. He developed interchangeable parts. This tax credit could go onto develop better batteries, a cleaner environment with better electric vehicles. We need this!
Who is Against?
Tesla, because it is non-union. All foreign automakers like Toyota, Volkswagen, Honda, Hyundai, and Nissan Motors. They are lobbying hard. Can you put two and two together?
If the Democrats and Republicans don't include this necessity, but continue to throw wasteful money to the military, our nation will fall further towards 3rd World Status...By the way, there is a clause to end all tax-payer credits after automakers reach 200,000 units sold. I would amend this to continue with one exception. No US tax credits for foreign automakers of electric vehicles. Bottom line: We will find two truths about the two political parties. Is the Republican call to make America great again with made in America for real? Is Biden's campaign speeches on jobs and the middle-class just BS? Time will tell. Peace.