- Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around us in awareness.
- James Thurber
Presidential Year
In this election year we hear the Democrats with "Bidenomics." An economic plan to revitalize our nation. We hear the Republicans, "MAGA (Make America Great Again)." Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. Neither party has real action, only words. How can you say that, you ask?
It was both the democrats and republicans who allowed the Taft-Hartley Act to pass. Neither of the two parties fought to impose tariffs to protect American industry and workers. It is only the realization from COVID-19 that we do not make anything in America. We couldn't even produce masks! This knowledge turned to defense. How can we protect ourselves in war, if we cannot make anything? Biden passed the chip act, but little or nothing else. In a show of understanding he is pushing the government to help Baltimore with rebuilding the Francis Scott Key bridge. We applaud! This is what the founding fathers meant to promote the general welfare. The problem is this will be a one and done, a campaign item to be exploited. In Trump's term in office, he only passed token tariffs to appease his voters. He is an ego, phony with no economic plan. The real question is how did we get here? Why don't we protect our companies and working class? Why is there so much division?
Flash Back
The first retaliation by producers came after WWII with the Taft-Hartley Bill. It allowed firms to hire new workers if their workers went on strike. The Pentagon influenced the second blow with the Korean War. The military brass saved Toyota. It purchased vehicles from the company with logistics to Korea. Nothing seriously changed in America until 1970. Japan started to export cars to our nation. JFL was in LA at the time. He rented a Corolla because it was the cheapest to rent. He says, "It could not exceed 70-miles per hour." Cars passed him left and right on the highway. It felt dangerous to be in that vehicle. However, Toyota constantly refined the car. It is now a very reliable, quality brand. During this period, OPEC started their oil embargo for two reasons. One, they were anti-Isreal. The second was due to the low price in currency exchange for their oil. The politicians only mentioned the first reason. Rising oil prices made small cars that got great mileage very sttractive. Imports found a markt niche.
While this was the news of the day, something else was happening in board rooms behind the scenes. Greed! Executives began seeking greater profits. The first was labor costs. The second was quality control. Taft-Hartley allowed them to circumnavigate unions. Now, they came up with the poison, planned obsolescence. The person who came up with this disease should be shot. We mean this figuratively. The idea was to develop parts that will only last until the warranty experation. Then, the consumer will have to buy parts from us. We will have a continuous cash cow. Can you see the difference between Japan and our poor leadership? They seek to make their product better and our executives seek to plunder the consumer. No wonder we lost market niche to competition. Sadly, outsourcing and plan obsolence took hold in our board rooms.
Present Time
Look no further than Boeing. The founders sought to make a quality aircraft that was safe. They developed the best areo-company on earth. They were rewarded well for their efforts until greed entered the equation. Now, the company shows contempt for its labor. The prior CEO, Mullenberg make claims that Boeing was developing a new plane and the Seattle workers would benefit if they voted to accept the companies economic offer. They did. Mullenberg lied. He moved the work South to a non-union state. Those workers will be happy until they get screwed like the union laborers.
Meanwhile, the executives sought greater riches that rewards stockholders and options. They outsourced work. They chose the cheapest offers. They were planting the seed to make the new plane unsafe. It had not one, but two crashes of death and suffering. Mullenberg out. Calhoun in. The word is the new man will work tirelessly to rebuild the company like spring with rebirth. His tireless efforts can be seen in the video of a United Airline Boeing aircraft taking off and the wheel falling off, tireless. His efforts can be seen with plug doors shooting off Boeing planes. Was his efforts behind the Boeing whistleblower, John Barnett who was suppose to give his testimony in court when he was found dead in a parking lot in his car? How can anyone justify giving Calhoun a departing $45.5 million severance package? This is what is really wrong with America. Boeing needs to install a man who recognizes workers contributions and seek to make the best, safest airplane. Stockholders will be rewarded by returning the firm to be the nimber one in flight. We fear not.
This is the SIN!
Recent history shows company-after-company cutting corners, seeking riches and screwing workers and citizens. It took real tireless efforts with real pain and angony to expose, the Love Canal, Hinkley, CA with PG&E, the water in Pound River, New Jersey and on-and-on. The disease of greed is in all of our corporations from Big Pharma to clothes, to retail to utilities, everywhere. It is the gospel of Wall Street. It is why so many students seek to be lawyers or in finance when we need doctors and engineers. Sadly, it is killing sports. We do not watch the Olympics because it is no longer amateur atheletes that promotes good will among nations. They are all professionals. It is killing our favorite, American (NFL) football. The schedule in 2024 will play on Christmas Day. This is distasteful spiritually and because the holiday falls on Wednesday, it is dangerous for the players in the shortened week. The game is physical. The players need rest. The disease of greed is effecting everything.
If one receives a position of power and influence, be thankful. You will live a life without economic worries. Seek to leave a legacy of doing well for all and your family. In this environment we do not see the door to this view. This is why we at Evolution, advocate a new third political party, the Liberty Party. It will have a platform that protects American companies that provides work in the US and that follows the founding fathers idea to promote the general welfare. Peace.