I was planning to do an update on precious metals, but the hacking news from last week is too important not to bring to light. It reveals a lack of focus as to what is our real national interest.
The lobbyists for military contracts, the war-mongers and the military have a strangle hold on our government and especially, its budget. They throw in the face of any opposition that we must maintain our standing in the world and what is our national interest. The rhetoric is pounded like the war drum that these fools could lead us into. History shows, this type of hold, spending and influence has led to the destruction of all former world powers from the ancients right up to WWII.
The military has squandered our resources, physically and materially. It is the chief reason why we have deficits, year after year after decade after decade. It is why we have never ending wars. Our so-called leaders have put these self-serving, greedy bastards on a higher plane than our founding fathers. Our founders left us the wisdom which is the cornerstone that made our nation great: avoid foreign entanglements. They wrote in the constitution a strong currency that is backed by precious metals and promote the general welfare. Today, with the effects of the pandemic and resulting economic regression, citizens are suffering. Stimulus helps, but the influence of the greedy is shown with multiple states refusing government assistance on unemployment money. They are forcing their constituents to go back to work and take those minimum wage jobs. Politicians talk jobs, but it is empty rhetoric. People have a chance to collect benefits and seek new skills for a better future. Politicians under the money influence show their real colors and it is not in our best interest. It does not promote the general welfare.
Then, we have the real sinners in our society: the military, the Pentagon and the war-mongers who live off government contracts that are full of pork and waste. If there is one helpful aspect of the Colonial Pipeline hack, it is this: we are a paper tiger. Hackers from around the world utilize this knowledge with the aspect that America is an open society much like our southern border. The so-called leaders of government and corporations won't spend on necessities like the environment, labor and security. The truth is in the news and the repercussions all point to fearful outcomes.
The Hack and Biden
After the hack that caused extreme disruptions to fuel supply, President Biden offered this response. He signed an EO last Wednesday. It directed the Commerce Department to give new security standards for software vendors. Are you kidding me? Get freaking real!
The first improvement after the American innovation of the computer chip should have included this: any new sign-on to any program must meet security clearance. There would be no way for a hacker to enter any level of any program without passing clearance. Biden's executive order should have been a memo back in the 1990s. That is why we are a paper tiger! By the way, it will takes years before this improvement, if it is enacted upon, to be developed.
Military's Role
To bring you up-to-date, in 2020, there were 2,400 hacker attacks just to government agencies. There are thousands of attacks for ransom to health concerns, banks, corporations and citizens. This has been going on since the advent of the PC. Most of these are unreported due to shame and fear of a loss of a job. This should have been priority number one for the military, FBI, Homeland Security and the CIA. We don't need to read the cause could be North Koreans, Russians, Chinese, et al? We need RESULTS! We don't need references like to the Dark Side or Solar Winds. We need RESULTS! Again, this lack of protecting of US citizens and businesses shows complete incompetency by all of the above.
It Gets Worse...
Did you happen to watch the 60 Minutes episode this past Sunday? They did a piece on UFOs. The military closed all investigations on the subject. However, due to qualified people speaking out like pilots and from intelligence, they have reopened their investigations. Now they call UFOs, "unidentified aerial phenomena" (UAP).
The pilots said that they have been reporting unidentified flying objects that appear like revolutionary new technology in jet aircraft for years. They video taped them speeding up and down both of our coasts. Intelligence has verified their videos and reports. The military disregards this data. Now, compare that response from Russia's. Back in the day, during the Cold War, the US used spy missions to fly over Russia to collect information. The Russians kept trying to shoot these high altitude jets down. That is their response to planes flying over restricted areas. Eventually, they shot one down. It was a big embarrassment to President Eisenhower. I could tell you that FDR played political gambles too, notably with the US getting into WWII. He was looking for an excuse to declare war. Now, the Japanese assembled their navy. It was no secret. All one had to do was read a Japanese newspaper. It told about the gathering of this armada. All we had to do was tail this fleet. The attack on Pearl Harbor would never been a surprise. FDR was gambling that the Japanese would hit one of the islands like the Philippines. They didn't. They went for the throat. We cannot let unknown jets fly close to our coasts without meeting them head on. I agree with senator Rubio on this. He said on 60 Minutes, "Anything that enters airspace that's not supposed to be there is a threat." If the generals are too pushy foot about this direct approach, do this. Use a "pony express" type system where one of our jets tails this tactical jet. Then, another picks up the chase. This unknown aircraft has to refuel and refuel somewhere. We need to know where! We don't need a surprise nuclear attack that wipes out both of our coasts. Idiots! Every top military honcho who knows about this and has done nothing, should be FIRED! and right NOW! Idiots!
Back to the hackers. It is so bad that there is in the under world on the internet this aspect...
It is a new field of study for hackers to use ransom-wear as a service. Cybercrime is estimated to cause the global community over $6 trillion each year. The US loses about $1.4 trillion. This comes out of each and everyone in the country. When a store loses a product to theft like a bag of potato chips, the owner has to raise his prices to cover the loss. Cybercrime cost each US citizen roughly, $5,400. This is a tax that recalls our founders cry, "No taxation without representation!" Who is representing us? End foreign entanglements and do your job of protecting Americans.
I could go on-and-on about the poor decisions of our military. Dear Reader, our military has a history of the wrong choices. It is not West Point or any of the academies that produce the greatness this is America. It is our citizens: Audie Murphy to Chuck Yeager. It is our innovation. Case in point. After WWI, Billy Mitchell asked the navy to develop an air craft carrier. They showed him the door. Today, the navy is still building carriers when they are obsolete. They are floating coffins due to smart bombs. We need submarines that can cover any nation anywhere in the world and do it undetected. We need to own the high territory. Rome's power centered in its roads to move troops and supplies. The same effect for England with its navy up until the first world war. We dominated due to our pilots and planes in WWWII. Then, we developed nuclear with missile ability. However, communications today is the high territory. If hackers can disable our communications, we are defenseless. WAKE UP! START DOING WHAT IS RIGHT FOR AMERICA! Cut the military budget in half and use that half on my suggestions. Take possession of another US innovation or someone else will.