The president's power is most effective during his first days, the honeymoon period. An Executive Order (E.O.) or other mandate from the executive branch is not law of the land. It is allowed until or if Congress enacts on the issue. So far, President Biden has mostly voided whatever President Trump signed by E.O. His stimulus plan will actually be his first law of the land for his administration. Now, however, I give you what is temporarily in effect. The acts started right after his inaugural.
Subject Action Date
Re-engage WHO E.O. 20 Jan. Create a CORVID-19 Coordinator E.O. 20 Jan. Rejoin Paris Climate Accord E.O. 20 Jan. Revoke Keystone XL pipeline permit E.O. 20 Jan. Ask agencies to extend eviction/foreclosure moratorium Request 20 Jan. Ask Edu. Dept. to extend student-loan pause Request 20 Jan. End 1776 Commission E.O. 20 Jan. Revoke undocumented from census E.O. 20 Jan. Preserve/fortify DACA Memorandum 20 Jan. Order masks for all federal workers & property E.O. 20 Jan. Reverse travel ban on Muslim nations E.O. 20 Jan. Stop construction of border wall Proclamation 20 Jan. Require ethical pledge for executive-branch workers E.O. 20 Jan. Modern regulatory review Memorandum 20 Jan. End harsh immigrant enforcement E.O. 20 Jan. Protection from deportation for Liberians in US Memorandum 20 Jan. Revoke E.O. concerning federal regulations E.O. 20 Jan. Freeze any new or pending regulations Memorandum 20 Jan. Use Defense Production Act to aid virus fight E.O. 21 Jan. Increase FEMA reimbursement to states Memorandum 21 Jan. Form CORVID-19 testing board & expand testing E.O. 21 Jan. Bolster access to CORVID-19 locations E.O. 21 Jan. Improve analysis of CORVID-19 data E.O. 21 Jan. Push campaign of 100M shots in 100-days Directive 21 Jan. New guidance to reopen schools E.O. 21 Jan. OSHA guidance E.O. 21 Jan. Require face masks at airports, transportation E.O. 21 Jan. Form CORVID-19 task force E.O. 21 Jan. Support internationals on CORVID-19 E.O. 21 Jan. Ask agencies to boost food aid, delivery of stimulus checks E.O. 22 Jan. Restore collective bargaining for federal workers E.O. 22 Jan. Repeal transgender serving in US military E.O. 25 Jan. Add "Buy American" in gov't procurement E.O. 25 Jan. Reinstate travel restrictions on Brazil and some in Europe Proclamation 25 Jan. End private prisons by Justice Dept. E.O. 26 Jan. Has HUD address discrimination practices Memorandum 26 Jan. Combat racism against Asian-Americans, Pacific Islanders Memorandum 26 Jan. Engage agencies to consult tribal governments E.O. 26 Jan. Pause oil and gas leasing on US land, elevate climate to nat. policy E.O. 27 Jan. Re-establish Council of Advisors on science & tech. E.O. 27 Jan. Direct agencies to use science evidence Memorandum 27 Jan. Reopen Obamacare marketplace E.O. 28 Jan. Lift restrictions on abortion funding Memorandum 28 Jan. Keep aluminum tariffs on UAE Proclamation 1 Feb. End "Remain Mexico" program, restore asylum system E.O. 2 Feb. Roll back of wealth test to immigration, review barriers to legal E.O. 2 Feb. Task force to reunite separated immigrant families E.O. 2 Feb. Retro activate reimbursement FEMA costs to states Memorandum 2 Feb. Rebuild US refugee resettlement property E.O. 4 Feb. Expand protection of LGBTQ people around the world Memorandum 4 Feb. Prevent Myanmar military from using property E.O. 11 Feb. Reestablish WH Office of Faith Based for low-income people E.O. 14 Feb. Rescind Trump order creating industry-led apprenticeship E.O. 17 Feb. Review supply chain for semiconductors, "critical goods" E.O. 24 Feb. Revoke Trump proclamation on immigrant entry during virus Proclamation 24 Feb. Revoke a list of Trump orders like "targeting & anarchist cities" E.O. 24 Feb.
A lot of action - some good, some bad and some we won't know for sometime. Peace