Wednesday, June 15, 2022

My Populism Rant

- A little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storm in the physical. 

- Thomas Jefferson

Some of you may be familiar with the quote to his buddy, James Madison, but do you know the rest of the story? Jefferson goes on to say, "When rebellions are unsuccesful, incroachments follow on the rights of the people."

Jan. 6, Hearings

This is where we are today in America. The people in power are seeking to milk the event to crush their opposition and at the very least, never have to worry about Trump as a political opponent. Our nation is further cut off from the people with barricades, fenses and armed security in Washington. A future protest could end up with deaths with over-reaction by security. This leads to violence like the sad episode with then, President Trump visiting the local church to proclaim freedom of speech. How ironic? There is nothing new under the follow-up investigations to the sad episode. Let me begin by saying, "This was not a rebellion." There were idiots within the demonstration who hid under the crowd which they manipulated to become a mob. That is all it was. There were no guns to seize and retain control. Most people left by their own volition. They were not sure in what they participated was good or bad? If we look back on the day's proceedings, then, we realize that President Trump is an egotistical coward. He said from his platform, "Let us go walk down to Congress and let them know that we are here." However, he was nowhere to be seen. He did not lead the group like a man of conviction. He is guilty of that. The manipulators within the crowd are guilty of the violence. End of story.

American History

When our first seated government passed its first tax in 1794, it caused protest by farmers. Why, you ask? The tax was on spirits and the revenue was needed for debt from the Revolutionary War. Whiskey was a farm product and used by farmers like money. You can understand their dislike of the tax. However, the government needed to show many things like resolve and ability to govern. The whole episode is called, "Whiskey Rebellion."

I understand the farmers point of view, but the President Washington led government was right. However, history shows that government favors the wealthy over the ordinary. This is not right. In 1883, Andrew Carnegie purchased a steel plant in Homestead, Pa. It was an early union site. He upgraded the plant while hiring new non-union workers. In 1892, the union guys sought to get everyone in the union. They went on strike. The plant hired Pinkerton cops who shot at union protestors. Violence erupted with 12 people dead. The hired cops feared no reprisal from the law which aided them against the union protestors. If you want real education, American wealth and power is anti-labor and anti-union. This deeper feeling is a big part of the January protest.

Real Causes

People appered at the rally for a variety of things. We, at Evolution would like to think that we share our thinking with the majority of them. I think we all feel that our governmental leaders do not listen to us. They label our concerns under a category as if that explains everything with the condescending attitude that the public is wrong. They call it "Populism." We are disenfranchised from government. This is where we stand.

Outsourcing: Our manufacturing concerns are guilty of excess greed. The IMF reports that they fear the growth in the middle-class worldwide will stop due to COVID and protectionism. That growth came as a result of our middle-class shrinking along with our standard of living. You can see the results sleeping on the streets and the no future acting out tragedies with violence and guns. Our government should have imposed tariffs on all imports years ago. It would have protected workers, our standard of living and domestic firms. This is one of the few things Trump had right. The only other thing that needed to be done was lowering the taxes that companies pay to 25%. This was to spur firms to relocate to the US. However, these people are so greedy that they just moved from one foreign nation (out of China) into another like VietNam.

Outsourcing takes many forms. Close a factory in the Mid-West and relocate to a Southern state that provides the clause, "right to work." This is code for no unions! This is anti-worker which the paid off Congress has allowed since Reagen came to power.

Our so-called leaders have allowed products into our economy which are dangerous. Monsanto people have no conscious when they develop a product that is toxic to humans like Roundup. When drug companies go unchecked with untested drugs like fentanyl. When too-bit oil firms sink shale rigs that leak chemicals into the water table. The list goes on-and-on. This is America today. We get a virus and we realize that we cannot even manufacture a mask?! By the way, it comes from China like everything else.


The whole world cannot come to America. The southern border is gone crazy. We cannot accept that many people. Our nation will always take immigrants. There will arise global crisis where we will have unexpected people seeking help like with Ukraine. Tell those Spanish speaking people to move to the many other nations in Central and South America where they have a common language. We can only assimilate so many at one time.

Student Debt

I do not know how this became an issue. Individuals make a choice. I gave up football because I realized that I had to work to pay for college. My cousin was a cop. He attended night school which is a long, slow process. You might only take one or two courses. You are always tired. You will not get the best grades, but you persevere. This is a great American trait. Today, he is a lawyer. God bless. Now, kids today take loans. That is their choice. They used the money for school, room and board. Who knows, maybe a car for transportation. Now, they want a free ride by asking, no demanding their loans be paid by us, the taxpayers. No damn way, Josie! I hate this with a passion. 

Miltary and Pentagon

We went from a peaceful, nuetral country to being a world danger for the annilation of humanity. The freaking military takes over half of our nation's budget as it wastes resources, lives and sending all of us into bankrupcy and third world status. Oh, yeah! Please tell me when we were electec to be the police force for the world? End forign entanglements!

Protectionism, Protectionism, Protectionism.

Every nation in the world practices protectionism. Our government, to which is why we stress a new third political party, must start to protect American workers and our way of life. If we can accomplish that starting point, the people will again begin to have faith that their government is following the founders belief to "Promote the general welfare."   Peace.