Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Tell Two People

 "Some gotta win, some gotta lose, Good Time Charlie's got the blues..."

- Danny O'Keefe

This piece has festered within me for a long, long time. I should clarify. Here, at Evolution, we have four writers: Johnny L, Sebastian, JFL and the Economic Evangelist. JFL and Sebastian are the founding fathers of this blog. The mission statement is on top of the website. We have published articles once a week ever since Google offered a free blog site. The government would call this blog, "Populism." Dear Reader, populism is condescended by government. JFL is doing this effort. 

Politicians forget the many benefits and the on-going struggles by our society that gets its points across through the streets and now, the internet. Populism is responsible for the 40-hour work week. Greedy producers had people work 14-hours a day for six days every week. There was no overtime. There was no medical if injured on the job. There was no unemployment insurance. There was no social security. There was no unions. They still battle to stop workers from forming unions. The list goes on and on. Many of today's cries were from yesterdays lack of resolution.

With that said, JFL was playing softball with his team. The members were down due to loss of work while bills still come in the mail. Losing our first two games only compounded the negative vibes. JFL does not have economic problems. He does however, fear that all his efforts will end with nothing. The internet offers some words of praise for blogs and writers who made some gutsy and prophetic calls. Our site and more importantly, JFL has never get any recognition. This is the point of his distress.


JFL told you in April of this year when oil touched $10 a barrel that $42 would be the bottom range. It hit it last week.

JFL told you when gold fell below $1500 an ounce in March of this year that it was going to $1800. When it crossed that barrier in June, he declared that gold would hit $1956. It did and how!

JFL gave you four various priced gold stocks for all economic levels of investing. The four: Argonaut Gold, Newcrest Mining, Barrick Gold and Wheaton Precious Metals. They all hit a new 52-week high.

With all that, not even a dog biscuit. JFL almost lost it when he listened to the Nobel Prize winner, Esther Duflo on PBS saying that immigrants do not steal low level jobs or cause wages to decline. She had a lot of good points on poverty, but her views on immigration are way off the mark. JFLs research shows that 53% of hospitality workers are Hispanic. Contract suppliers which is another type of outsourcing, keep wages low with no raises that take advantage of this working group of which many are illegals. Excess immigration with low paying service jobs are reflected in our growing homelessness problem. She got it wrong!

Then, last week, PBS had another Nobel Prize winner, Isabel Wilkerson. She has a book out called, Caste. She is an activists for black civil rights. She is intelligent, but in her work she uses many other immigrants, mainly white Europeans to drive home her point, the origins of our (black) discontent. It is this: blacks are treated like the outcasts of India with its caste system. Blacks are on the bottom. White Europeans were also discriminated against, but less so due to being white. They settled somewhere within the totem pole. These are all very accurate points, however, she leaves out the most important aspect. How can you either of these two writer's get Nobel's when they have such glaring faults? Wilkerson's defect is this: Irish immigrants were discriminated before blacks even were forced into America. The root of the hate is due to their religion. Irish are Catholics as well as Italians and Poles. Our names reveal our heritage and then, the haters know that we are Catholic. Too many black leaders concentrate on black issues. When they offer solutions, they forget that remedies are for all Americans.  In the slogan "Black Lives Matter," I immediately saw the flaw. It should read, "All Lives Matter." However, I can forgive this oversight. The meme sprang from the continuous, senseless killings of people, black people for things like a burnt out taillight. It was a response and not an intellectual concept. However, black leaders continually neglect to consider their actions and thoughts with all citizens taken into account. JFL does. In his unpublished work: The Evolution of Democracy: the Book of Multiple Ideas and Predictions, he offers more than either of these two Nobel winners and he cannot even get published! No wonder, I got the blues. At the moment, the market will give many people the blues. It will be nasty. I think there was a leak to Biden's running mate and the market does not approve. The market did not have to wait long. He chose Harris. So, phony. He hopes to get both the black vote and women's vote with no vision for America other than his ego. Enough said.

I got this off my chest. Maybe the team will win this week? No matter what happens, this blog will return to writing about politics and economics. Whether you agree or disagree with our viewpoint, you have to give us the respect that we are honest. So, please, help our site by telling two people about it who can tell two more people and so on. Thank you, peace.