In his campaign for the presidency, Trump repeatedly praised his own ability to do the best or to get the best to perform a job. His A-team would add a new chapter in our history that would restore America to its greatness.
Apparently, his tenure is finding it difficult. I have not heard him sing, Neil Young's song with the line, "...I'm mining for a heart of gold and I'm getting old." It would give him an excellent excuse.
More To Come...
With that said the numbers don't lie. The Trump administration is setting a record for top-tier turnover. It currently rests at 34%, but it is set to rise even higher in the coming months for various reasons like the mid-term elections and the known fact that private entities will offer top positions for ex-government staffers. Yeah, they talk the BS about public service when it is really a stepping stone to the corporate hierarchy seeking government contracts.
In the big picture counting all staff members, Trump has seen 61% of his appointees leave or have been asked to leave for one reason or another. However, there is the other side of the coin...
Not the Whole Truth...
It also could be the difficulty with running for office and getting the job. It is one thing to develop a catchy slogan that wins a campaign and another to have the skill to govern. Trump has the dual difficulty that comes from the top job. The learning curve is steep and that difficulty is compounded by his lack of political experience.
Trump's personal appointments have ended up badly. Many have disagreed with him. Some have contradicted him. Trump finds himself in "Twitter" fights that only appear as insubordination to us and leave us with many questions. We figure that the issues are deeper than the surface news.
In any event, I have collected this list at this time, the mid-point of the baseball season. Here is the All-Star list. Can you recall these oldies?
*Reince Priebus - Chief of Staff
*Katie Walsh - deputy chief of staff
*Sean Spicer - press secretary
*George Sifakis - director of public liaison
*Michael Flynn - national security advisor
*K. T. McFarland - deputy national security advisor
*Rex Tillerson - secretary of state
*Steve Bannon - chief strategist
*Gary Cohn - chief economic advisor.
There is your starting line-up and your bench players like Paul Winfree who voluntarily resigned. Then, James Comey who was fired along with many others.
Of course, you the fans may be disturbed by not seeing your favorites like Anthony Scarmucci, director of communications.
Hope Hicks, interim director of communications.
and let us not forget the Big Brother celebrity, Omarosa Manigault who was director of public liaison.
Just in: Scott Pruitt resigned from the EPA. His deputy will interim for the moment. Andrew Wheeler is a step beyond bad. He was the top coal lobbyist for years. He knows how to work the system. This means that he is opposed to coal's competition like alternative energy. We will lose not steps, but years to China in developing those energy sources. This will be yet another American contribution that foreigners reap the benefits.
Soon to come...
Michael Cohen, Trump's ex-lawyer will soon be indicted. Who knows what can of worms will be opened and what repercussions? However, we have more important things to worry about and on top of the list is tariffs and the jobs that it will effect and government revenue. Sebastian called the trade war is on and he is right.
With the difficult strategy of turning our nation around back to a manufacturing nation that is self sufficient, Trump should look to economist who are outsiders and agree with his tariff fight for our standard of living and not the phony inflation argument in the transition back to self-sufficiency. It is good that the lies of the term, "free trade" is exposed. I could help.