Wednesday, August 25, 2021

War-mongers Everywhere

 This week's story is not the withdrawal problem that the Biden administration finds itself. It is the exposing of all the voices that influence our government. And guess what? They are all War-mongers!

It is not the poor veterans who ask why they sacrificed? Although, a deeper review of the question is very valid. It really displays our poor leadership, our poor judgement and most of all, the ego to oppose what our founding fathers believed, to avoid foreign entanglements.

If we review the scorecard, this is the results. We got a push in Korea. We were wrong in Viet Nam. Remember the reasons? The domino effect of Communist China taking all of Southeast Asia? The other BS about introducing democracy to the region? We wasted lives, resources and years for nothing. All we accomplished is to split our nation on beliefs and values. By the way, communist Viet Nam is now one of better trading partners. It also went to war with China. So much for the domino effect? Our media gave it little notice. Corruption to hide the stupidity of the folly by the war-mongers.

Iraq and Afghanistan: another feather in the cap of stupidity. To give you a better perspective in the lack of ability by our military and warmongering leaders, consider the story of Bagram Airfield as a microcosm to the idiots that get to run our nation. The same ones that use solid citizens, our soldiers, as pawns. The same ones who wasted trillions for nothing!

Bagram Airfield...

was a military base in Afghanistan. This is where we flew in and out. This is where we stored our equipment and supplies. We occupied this base for 20 years.

In the middle of the night, not to long ago, we deserted the base. We left countless weapons, supplies and transport worth billions. The BS was the Afghan soldiers would utilize everything in their conflict with the Taliban. Didn't happen! Experts are wrong, again! It gets worse. Biden had already announced the withdrawal. So, logic would say that no matter the outcome within the nation, we had an airfield that was completely under our control and more importantly, secure. The withdrawal should have taken place there. Again, stupid is what stupid does. Do you need more examples?

Other BS...

It is in our national interest. Our national interest should be in protecting our citizens and businesses. Everyday, someone is hacked with no end in sight. Where is the protection? If we didn't waste our lives, resources and money on war, it could have been utilized to improve our standard of living. All the foreign entanglements have resulted in making the US not even in the top 20-nations in standard of living. Our schools and students are getting worse and worse as we allow idiots to control our conversation. We have racial problems. We have kids that are so confused that they do not know what sex they are. We have gun violence on an almost daily occurrence. We have rampart poverty with food insecurity. We have more and more people sleeping in the streets. This is our national interest and as it says in the constitution, "...promote the general welfare."

Then, the "rare" earth minerals? We have been there 20-years with private contractors. The only thing coming out of the country is heroin.

The BS that other nations can not trust our word. This BS changes every four years with any change in government elections. The only that these BS artists should worry about is that we put tariffs on imports that will force outsourcers to come domestic.

The country will be a haven for terrorists? We have more dangers on our home soil due to the government neglecting the will of the people. Besides, the Taliban will worry that Al Qaeda could get too strong and be a political as well as violent force against them. In addition, there is a region in the north of the country that no one controls except the local tribe. The Taliban may declare its Emirate, but this northern tribe will still control this region. The US military did not change control. Al Qaeda is afraid to go near its borders. This is a true reflection of the Middle-East, tribal rule. Our nation should  worry about the problems in the US and let other nations worry about their own, domestic problems.  

So-called Insurrection

If it was an insurrection, the majority of the protestors would have had guns and used them. They would have stayed in the Capital and held it by force. What it really showed was the dissatisfaction that citizens have with our politicians not doing the will of the people. It basically was "acting out." 

We don't need labels like "populism." Trump captured this meme within our citizens. However, he failed to do something good with it. This is why we, at Evolution, advocate a new, third political party, the Liberty Party. Our cornerstone is to promote the general welfare, end all foreign entanglements and raise our standard of living. I like to believe our founding fathers would join, whole-heartedly. 

We have allowed all our corporations to outsource labor and do everything to oppose workers and unions. Idiots made the word "liberal" a curse. What we need is more open mindedness to address all these issues. We need to cut the military budget in half and use the money at home. That is true conservatism. Tell Graham and the Washington Post, Washington Examiner to shut the hell up! Graham only cares opposes because he knows that the South gets military bases. This helps his state economy. Find good jobs with new technology. None of you people are smarter than Madison or Monroe. Give Peace a Chance!