Wednesday, July 5, 2023


 As we celebrated our Independence Day yesterday, two expressions ran through my mind. The first gets replayed many times due to the short, but powerful book by its author. We should not lose its message due to seeing it repeatedly. 

- "Wars will begin where you will, but they will not end where you please."

- Niccolò Machiavelli

The other comes from the silver screen. Dear Reader, motion pictures are a stronger influence than one imagines. It is the lead character from A Fist Full of Dollars.

- "When a man has money in his pocket, he begins to appreciate peace."

- Bounty Hunter, Clint Eastwood

The two thoughts find their way into our world. We have China/Taiwan, Ukraine/Russia to the closer aspect of student debt, environment, combustion/electric, old energy/alternative power and whatever else festers within each of us. We each have our own baggage.

We have a media that just repeats the news, but they never have anyone appear to challenge what is said or has happened. We, at Evolution, have our own views. We oppose cancelling student debt. However, in our unpublished book, we have an answer to the dictatorship of the Supreme Court. It goes back to the foundation of our nation.

Federalist Papers

Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison wrote the "Federalist Papers." They were seeking to influence the other colonies to ratify our constitution. They exaggerated the truth of the judicial system. The job does not separate one from personal baggage. We have seen this over and over since the beginning of our nation. One court with baggage says separate but equal is fine and another says it violates our rights as citizens. You get the verdicts you want by choosing people with your views. There are times that the court gets it right like with student debt, but a truer, fairer democracy is needed in the judicial branch of government. We like to think that we have an answer. Anyway...

We spend too much of our resources on the military and we neglect our environment, our mental health and medical in general. We allowed greedy, small-minded men to outsource jobs to which lowered our standard of living. Men do not have money in their pocket and we see the results on the streets: crime, homelessness, civil unrest.

We only hear one side to a story. The media never challenges the status quo. However, every once in a while, we get a positive surprise. One answer to problems comes from innovation and technology. We have got serious car pollution. Technology gave us the catalytic converter. Smog is no longer rising from car exhaust. We cut down on lead gasoline. Now, we are developing electric vehicles. We are winning this battle. However, you never hear a balanced argument. We cannot trust politicians because they always have a hidden agenda. When they offer a solution, it is to win votes and satisfy their campaign donorship. They never reveal the true cost of their suggestion or if it really has any value like a bridge to nowhere. The truth about climate change is this: we still need our old technology until we can develop something new and better. There is no such thing as "Zero Emissions!"

We allow corrupt bankers to establish the Federal Reserve which is destroying our democracy, freedoms and currency. They are generating another banking crisis which will consolidate the industry. How, you ask? Their playbook calls for throwing money at a problem. They create liquidity, but in doing so, they devalue the currency. Milton Friedman had it right, "Inflation is always a money supply issue." It is why the US dollar has lost 95% of value since the creation of the Fed. Ever wonder why cars are so expensive? The Fed has destroyed the intrinsic value of the dollar. Instead of a policy that starts from the bottom, they concentrate on the top. Their policies enable the bigger banks to get enormous. This allows the too big to fail concept to take hold. Yet, somehow, we survive the surprises and we still enjoy our day of independence. Hope yours was good, and pray for no more negative surprises.  Peace.