Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Odds and Ends: June 2022

We begin with King $Dollar. It is a mystery. One week it appears to want to break to a new high, and the next week a new low? We are at the mid-point of the year. We are presently in a bear trap. Even with our group of highly educated souls at Evolution, we purchased RIG. We are in a losing postion. We don't want to sell and take a loss because the EU is finally attempting to breakaway from Russian oil. They will need gas for winter, for electricity and for industry. They need their oil firms to dig. Rig will benefit. We just bought too soon. Bottom line: Be patient! Lower prices are coming and if you cannot take the heat, readjust to prepare. Keep in mind, that oil and commodities move in opposite direction to the dollar.


is showing itself in big purchases. The average price of a new car ballooned to over $47,000. You could buy a 3bed/2bath house in the 1980s for that price. We predict car loans will approach a ten year range. By the way, before banking became consumer friendly, that was the term limit for a home mortgage. 

Speaking of home loans, we also predict the 40-year mortgage will come to pass. Why, you ask about our two predictions? Because the Federal Reserve has destroyed our standard of living. These are the type of market manipulations that they do to continue to keep power, to continue the game. They never admit that they are wrong as well as their policy actions. Back to where I begun this paragraph, the medium price for an existing home is $407,600 and rising. 


is also showing itself in aspects that consumers do not realize until they need or use something that inflation is wrecking like hotels. John Feneck is a fund manager for mining firms. He travels a lot. He sees hotel pricing at $300 per room. Then, they add fees, some add parking and of course, the car rental fees are way up. The industry is pricing itself out of the market and yet, the stock market has not caused them any real pain. I agree with John, the pain is coming. Some of these firms who did not borrow when rates were low will end up in bankruptcy.

Future Shock...

will be coming as car insurance and home insurance firms raise their rates to meet the higher cost of homes. There will be other price increases, but I think you get the point. The inflation genie is out of the bottle. It happens as standard of living rises in other countries who seek more value for whatever they export. It is why we always say, "Protect American workers and jobs!" Anyway, it happened with the first oil embargo. The dollar got wrecked. We are approaching this life and world changing moment, again. Maybe all the gyrations in the dollar reflect this behind the scene activities? We can tell you that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) already developed a new currency if the market crashes. The SDR is a basket coin of weighted of world currencies. Have you heard of the book, the "Big Reset"? The author, Willem Middelkoop, says our monetary system is already at war. China no longer buys US Treasuries. They want more power for their coin, the Yuan. They buy gold and they are anti-dollar. They will be the world's largest economy if they are not already. 

The Fed's answer of higher lending rates to combat inflation is just more manipulation by them to calm consumers. Our economy is already in stagflation. This is the worst level for citizens and a nation. It appears when inflation is higher than the growth. The Office for National Statistics says, "Inflation for May rose to 9.1%." Our growth? Maybe 1% ? Whatever it is, it is nowhere near inflation, especially with the three things that we need every day: food, energy and shelter. Some people this week call out to end the Supreme Court because things did not go their way. We have an answer to bring the court back into the fold of true checks and balances, but you will have to wait for our unpublished book to be published. Here and now, we repeat our meme, End the Fed!

One Last Thought

This is wild and crazy stuff as Johnny Carson would say. We generally do not pay attention to the heavens, at least not like in ancient days. We are presently in a planetary rarity. There will be five plants in align. Now, there are people who follow such things. They say this always has a huge market move associated with it. We are in such a phase. Now, this is what I see. We had a comet pass by. We received the virus not long after. We had record wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes and earth quakes. Now, we got war in Europe. Maybe, we should put aside all these secular people and look at Scripture. There are many readings where the Lord blesses Israel, but they foresaked Him. They worshipped false idols, killed, robbed and rapped on a daily level. Then, he took His favor away. The US has been blessed. However, we kill, rape and rob on a daily level. Maybe His favor is being vexed against us. Sebastian offers this: Hawking was wrong about the Big Bang! He says, if something exploded that began the living organism process, there had to be something formed that exploded? His work. Sebastian goes on to say that there is no such thing as an on-going Black Hole. It is just space weather like a hurricane or tornado on earth. Motion in space forms friction with gravity. Things that are pulled into the Black Hole are the same as roofs and flying cows being pulled by weather. These scientist had better find some faith becuse it is His world. Said enough!   Peace.