Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Quantum Change

 - A group of research scientists decided to approach their computer in a different way. Instead of seeking money investing ideas that would ensure their futures, they would ask the computer to solve man's oldest question: Is their a God? The computer readout said, "Insufficient power and data." They took their findings to the UN. They sought to get the world behind their idea. The UN got all nations to connect their energy power grid to the lab's computer. When ready, they asked again, "Computer, is their a God?" At first, there was a silence. Then, the computer had a rumble sound. The scientists looked for the tape readout. There was nothing. They asked again, "Computer, is their a God?" A loud voice was heard, "Now, there is."

- Old joke from the 1960s.

Quantum Computing

The idea has been around for a long time. The reason was speed. Regular comuters chips use bits. This is a binary system of just two levels, 0 or 1. It is safe, but slow compared to the idea of quantum. Early research on quantum came up with the same problem. Errors can find their way into the system from the operation. It could be just air.

Quantum exploded onto the news last week. Anything with the word in it went crazy. IBM has led the way, but last week news circulated from Google in the US and Rigetti Computing in the UK. Behind the scenes, there are many firms that trade based on finding the quantum problem. Strangely, there was no news from China. I'm sure that they are working on it or they will resort to their playbook, steal it by hacking. Then, they deny. Anyway...

Enter Willow Chip... Google. It uses 105 qubits. This system allows this chip to operate on multiple levels. The speed is like a race between a toy dog and an Afghan. Google says that it addresses errors, so the solutions are clean.  Don't go out to buy! Applications are years away and as I will show you, any stock with quantum attached to it, had a huge runup last week with the quantum news. It is never wise to chase a stock. If you like what you research, then be patient. If it never retraces, forget it. Safe with capital is key.

Small Sample:

RGTI (Rigetti) It rose 461% to close last Friday at $7.16. There is a gap at $1.90. Gaps usually get retested. This is an entry point if you are so inclined.                                                                                    IONQ (IonQ Inc) It rose 93% from $16 to $33 last Friday.                                                                          QUBT (Quantum Computing) It went parabolic. From $1 dollar to close last Friday at $6.70. UP 539%!

There are other firms that attach themselves to quantum like Wisekey (WKEY). The Swiss firm deals in security, but it too enjoyed a ride higher. It rose 263% from $2.50 to $7.84 last Friday. 

D-Wave Computing will integrate your program. It rose 300% from $2.00 to $5.00. 

This week the parabolic moves continued and extended to chips stocks like Broadcom (AVGO). Do your diligence, but be patient. It will be years before profits and all these companies lose money to which will lead to a retracement. Enough said. However, their is one point that we, at Evolution will leave you with - Bitcoin.


...uses the SHA-256 crytographic algorithm. If quantum becomes a reality, it can crack the security of bitcoin. A hacker will steal yours and everyone eles's capital.  Bitcoin says that it has a protocol with updates to address vulnerabilities. Yeah, like nuclear is safe? We told you in the past many reasons for not accepting bitcoin. We believe in gold. Now, you have some reality to bitcoin. Peace.