Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Odds and Ends: July 2021

We past the mid-point of the year. The new administration is pushing programs or at least, it wants the public to believe it has a plan. The plan is not new. It is the old Democratic playbook. Spend! Then, when the debt looks unmanageable, tax!


The Republicans will throw curve balls at all the spending. You can see that clearly in the number of republican governors who opted out of unemployment benefits for their citizens. 

They say, there is work out there! Public response, Yeah, a no future, service job with minimum pay. The boomer generation took those nowhere, nothing jobs due to our work ethnic. We were wrong. It is not all our fault. The elite have controlled the media and as a result, we had broken responses. We should have stormed the streets to end outsourcing. This is the structural weakness in America. The Republicans will seek to protect this system and their tax shelters. We need to tax the wealthy to balance the budget. We need to put high tariffs on any import. The tax needs to be so high that it will force the producer to return their factory home. 

This is my playbook. It won't happen. It will never happen with our two corrupt political parties. I was amazed that the child credit benefit got included in the last stimulus bill. It will help. There are many sectors within our nation that need to be addressed. Infrastructure is one of them.

WARS: Afghanistan=$2.26 Trillion, Iraq=$1.92 Trillion

What do we got to show for it? The world sees us as a possible catalyst for WWIII and total destruction. This is not said among our allies. It is said among the people of their nations. We squandered our resources. We have lost lives. We have thousands and thousands with disabilities and mental depression. Dear Reader, these were healthy, young men. Some of them sleep on the street. 

The $4.18 trillion could have implemented my water program which would provide fresh, clean drinking water for all our citizens. It would help our farmers, especially in the West who need water. Their wells are running dry and some are polluted. It would have spurred industries like steel, mining, lumber and most of all, gave a livable wage with a future to Americans in every state. By the way, it would also almost eliminate flooding in our nation. The idea could be utilized around the world. It would not have cost as much as we wasted fighting foreign entanglements.

We could have...

stopped the erosion of our crumbling society. Today, it is reported that one in four children in the US have a single parent home. No wonder our kids have no direction. Our poor mothers have to be both a father and mother. Our family life is the worst in the world. The child credit benefit will help, but we should do so much more. Our schools should employ how the classes that they provide will lead to a well paying job. The dots need to be connected. We don't need any more lawyers. We need doctors, nurses, engineers and plumbers!

It seems like everyday a report surfaces about a hack. We all are slammed with dangerous emails and scam robo calls. What does our government do? We allowed the inventors of the internet a free pass. They did not develop the security to go along with the positives. We allow the Facebooks, Googles and Amazons to use our personal info as a money vault. They offer no protections. Our military always talks about our national interest. Listen, you idiots! The above is our national interests.

According to a report by the US civil engineers, there is a water main break in America every "TWO" minutes. And yet, the two parties bicker and BS week after week. This is where money should be spent. The citizens of 1900 America taxed and sacrificed to lay the pipes that gives us our water today in the homes, our toilet system and irrigation. What have we done since then? Nothing, but anti-union, wars and outsourcing of labor. Our standard of living went from number one to not even in the top twenty.

Housing interest deduction should be capped. This is just happening. Take away the ability to keep driving prices higher with tax laws that cover assets of the wealthy with no or little taxation. People cannot afford to break away from rental purgatory. It could get worse as 8-million renters could be evicted at the end of the month. Ask Jimmy Carter for some insight!

Our government is such a poor leader. This is notable in debt. Families use to live on a budget. Keeping up with the Jones and government style of borrowing is corrupting the stability within America. Household debt is $14.6 trillion, a record. Auto loans are also at record levels as well as the price for the average new vehicle at $42,000. You could buy a home for that amount back in the 1970s. This is what our leaders show its citizens: Buy, Spend and Die.

How do we do this?

We allow the Federal Reserve to buy our debt because no one else will. They hide the lie. Another reason to End the Fed!

The Fed has bought $5.29 trillion from the treasury. Biden plans to spend another $1.2 trillion on the infrastructure bill and other $3.7 trillion in other stimulus. Folks, we need more on the infrastructure, but the rest needs the balance of how to pay for it before any further action is taken. If not, we are heading for bankruptcy. We will lose our reserve currency privilege. As a nation, we will become poor like Europe in the Middle Ages. We will have our rich kings (Billionaires) with a village of peasants in city after city and state after state. We are past the first 100 days. We are past the mid-point of another year. What have we to show for it?