Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Letter to our Government

 Proverbs: He that troubled his own house shall inherit the wind:

As leaders of our government, what are your feelings about the 6th of January? Are you angry? Are you worried? Do you feel the arm of justice is putting all these protestors in jail is the answer? Some of you want precautions like barricade fencing, troops and more police? Stand back! Take a distant look at the Capitol of Democracy? It does not look anything like a free society. 

Back in the day: I could go back to ancient times, but space is limited as well as time. I will glance at a few fallen governments. I think and hope you get my point. Didn't the French aristocrats add a few soldiers to guard the palace? However, they did not look at the root causes of the population's discontent. It was the best of times for the upper class, gents, barons and the like while the worst of times for everyday citizens who suffered with little to none social mobility and food insecurity. When the middle-class joined the movement, you got a REVOLUTION! 

When the monarchy and aristocrats of England needed money for their endless wars because England had interests in other lands rather than worrying about domestic issues, they decided to raise taxes on their North American colony. After all, these colonists keep requesting soldiers to fight Indians and of course, our enemies like the French and Spanish. They should pay for it. The English demanded that the colonists put up their soldiers and feed their soldiers who rarely went out to the frontier to fight. The colonists started their own militia. As more and more middle-class farmers took issue with their English rulers, shots were fired at Lexington. REVOLUTION!

When the Czar moved from palace to palace, he had a personal guard to protect him and his family. He never stopped to see how his citizens were actually living. He was sheltered from bad news by yes-men. When he didn't get his way in some diplomatic negotiation, he sent his poor citizens to war. He squandered the state treasury. When hard times like famine in the farming regions surfaced, he moved to another palace where things were better. Food riots were crushed as dissatisfied trouble makers. When the middle-class joined the movement, you got a REVOLUTION!

In Saigon, the South Viet Nam government saw the city grow due to French money being spent within the area. They did not heed the cries of rural farmers. They offered no ideas to address all their nation. Mao offered democratic ideas to those in rural regions. His problem. He flew under the communists shield. The people liked what the vision of Mao suggested. Our military war-mongers only saw another Communists insurrection. They did not look deeper into the issues. They backed the wrong horse. When more citizens are on the side of opposing government, that government will be replaced. It WAS.

Inside the city of Havana, people had jobs due to tourists and gambling in the capitol. In the rest of the island nation, things were not so good. Low wages, No worker rights! No unions! Slave working conditions. The majority had enough. It had always been this way. They would fight for something new because anything is better than what they have. When more citizens are on the side of opposing government, that government will be replaced. It WAS.

Today, do you see why so many people in the US are dissatisfied with our government, the one you direct? Do you not read to know what other committees are discussing like 25 million children in the US cannot read proficiently? That 65% of 4th grade students do not read at that grade level? That many of these same children suffer food insecurity?

Do you not go to the movies and see how lucky we are to have concerned citizens fight powerful corporations like Erin Brockovich? She gave all to show toxic chemicals in our water out west. In New England, Travolta's movie echoed the same issue with water. Again in New Jersey, Tennessee, Florida, West Virginia, Flint, Michigan and all around our nation. We are suffering toxic dangers with our once pristine water. You let corporations buy you off. Did you forget the Cayuga River in Ohio? It set itself on fire to tell you that companies show a disrespect for everyone. They do not spend to do their job right by protecting the environment and their workers. Poison greed!

How can you say that fighting in foreign entanglements benefits democracy when you have to barricade the capitol with razor barb wire and have troops present along with a large police force? This is not a happy nation. 

You have failed to promote the general welfare. You can see that in a map of the US with dots that reflect a mass shooting. In the short time in 2021 there have been 154 mass shootings of four or more people. In many regions our map is not a dot, but BOLTS!😡 

This is why in the past our nation suffered with outbursts by discontents. Some are evil like the KKK. Some are gangsters like the Outlaws. Some have valued issues like the Michigan Militia. They protested outsourcing. No living wage jobs, no social mobility and no future! Some are right like civil rights and anti war protests like over Viet Nam. Again, go to the movies. A new documentary, "Nomadland" might open your eyes? You can't grade yourself by the stock market. Grade yourself by seeing the collapsing malls and retail stores. Give them an equal playing field by taxing the internet on retail. Stop the BS of party affiliation and conduct yourselves for what is best for the nation. Did any of you read, "Profiles in Courage?"

DRUGS! We have heroin parks littered all around the nation. More needles are present than trees or flowers. Then, there is the opioids. We have people laying on the street. It is getting crowded out there due to homelessness. People are living in cars and RVs because they cannot afford rent. You have allowed the Fed to push debt as the answer when that is the wrong solution. They are destroying our currency. This is seen in the recent tax hikes to excessiveness. In five counties in the US, residential real estate taxes surpass $10,000 per year. People have to sell because they cannot service these excessive taxes. They have to move away from their grandkids and family. It is happening everywhere. Nashville's mayor is touting a tax hike of 34%! On the flip-side is poverty. There are thirteen counties with taxes of $200 because the population is too poor. Do your job as written in the constitution and End the Fed! 

Did you not read Jefferson or any of the founders who wanted a strong currency? This is why there is signs of hopelessness, everywhere. People cannot print money to cover expenses. And then, we have idiots like Schumer who want to forgive all student debt. I will join any group who opposes this idea. Those kids made a choice. If a store owner opens at a location and it fails, this is life. He was free to choose. He does not expect to be forgiven all his debt. This is called RISK!

My only consolation is knowing that more citizens declare themselves as Independents rather than Democrats or Republicans because both of your parties are corrupt! You have some time to address the problems. Tax heavily all corporations who outsource. Tax all imports to promote self-sufficiency and give our citizens hope for the future. Forget the world complaints of protectionism. They have been doing it since the end of WWII. Promote my idea to save our water and invest in our children.  Academics reveal, there is no way the kids of today can do anything that will help our nation tomorrow. When you consider stimulus, try to envision something that will add social mobility. Start thinking! When the next rock is thrown, it might be too late. 

And stop deluding yourselves...

that the US is the world's largest economy. In 2016, China sold 24 million cars. That is 7 million more than out best year. They import the most oil. They are the largest exporter and manufacturer. They lie, cheat and steal, but they are now the largest economy. There are no people laying in their streets. They have jobs, social mobility and now this: They are looking to depose the US dollar as the world's reserve and commodity king. They will offer GOLD to buy oil. If they achieve this last ring in the ladder, the US could fall to a third rate nation. Don't let it happen! Have the balls to end all trade with China. Send the ingrates back to where their ugly Communist Party belongs, in the gutter!

Today, the list of discontent in the US is growing and each group is potentially thousands. If the middle-class joins any of these movements, REVOLUTION?

*Boogaloo Bois, Guardians, Proud Boys, Wolverine Watchmen, Oath Keepers, RAM, 3 Percenters, Neo Nazi's, Vinlanders and Antifa. The names keep changing, but most contain bigotry. I can only hope a true group forms like we, at Evolution put forth. A new political party, the Liberty Party. The cornerstone is protect American workers, our environment and end all foreign entanglements? Peace.