Within a week of this post, America should know who will reside as the president for the next four years. I say "should" because this election won't just include the voter's choice. It will be inundated by lawyers. Due to the pandemic and social distancing, voting locations may not be open long enough to register every vote. Then, there is the reduction of voting locations. This is suppression to the right of voting. In some situations, this reduction maybe due to the virus. Nevertheless, litigation will come about for these and other restrictions. The vote should be close. This too will allow lawyers to call for a recount. All in all, the 2020 presidential election will be marred with problems.
Two liars:
Here, at Evolution, we do not care who eventually gets elected. We are on record as saying that both political parties are corrupt. All one had to do was watch the last presidential debate to see through the so-called debate. Candidate Biden stated that he would declare the 11 million illegal immigrants, citizens. Nothing like buying the Hispanic vote. Then, he said he would raise the minimum wage to $15. Again, he is seeking to buy votes. President Trump was so on the attack that this "inflation effect" was not addressed. The only positive that Biden had was that he would push for alternative energy.
President Trump was a one pony theme. He kept harping on Biden's ideas. If he had these points, why didn't he present them while he was in office? Trump made points in saying, "All talk, no action!" As president, Trump showed inconsistent leadership. He says one thing and the next day, rebuffs what he declared as fact. He has no vision other than throwing money at something. His policies are crushing our currency. There was a study by the St. Louis Fed back in 1980s that showed it takes 12 quarters in lag time to reflect changes in money supply. Our Economic Evangelist believes that sometime in 2022, our dollar will fall in value. This will cause inflation and other economic hardships. The only positive in the four years of Trump was in his calling out of China. However, if he had real courage and convictions, he would have slapped tariffs on all Chinese imports. He only displayed a token response. This was to appease voters and companies seeking relief. He has no real convictions.
I could go on-and-on about the phoniness of both parties: Trump with hotels in Moscow. Biden's son in deals with Ukraine and China. This is why we do not vote. If one votes for either candidate, you are validating the system with just two political parties. The system itself is fine, but the process is corrupt. Buying influence gets government action not true needs and issues. More and more fellow citizens are realizing this point. There are more Independents than either Democrats or Republicans. The seeds are being sowed for the...
Liberty Party
At Evolution, we advocate a new political party, the Liberty Party. The cornerstone is this: protect American workers which includes protectionism. Use policies that work under our founders believe to "promote the general welfare." It also means dropping out of international agencies like the WTO. The other part of the platform is to end military entanglements. At present, our warmongers at the Pentagon display their idiocy. Case in point. After WWI, Billy Mitchell went to the navy with the idea for an aircraft carrier. He was labeled an idiot by them. Today, we are still building aircraft carriers that cost in the billions. They are obsolete. A smart bomb can find and sink them with lives, jets and costs beyond imagination. Winston Churchill said it best, "You can always count on America to do the right thing, after they tried everything else." Nothing has changed since his observation. Just recap the virus actions and inactions. Our unpublished book addresses this and puts forth other ideas to really make America great again.
Farm to Fork...
initiatives are being pushed by the EU. The EU wants less pesticides and antibodies in their food chain. We like this idea. The problem will be rising food costs and lower yield. This is vital since populations keep growing. US agriculture secretary, Sonny Perdue says, "He sees not only higher prices, but protectionism." Nothing like a bought and paid shill. The EU sees another plus in climate change. The real culprit is farm lobbyists who pushed for GMOs and other artificial ingredients. This quick turnaround can shock the market, but the EU is correct to start and we should do the same.
Fed's New Power Grab
These guys are smart. The whole agency started just before Christmas. People have their attention on other things. Today, our attention is on the virus, election and jobs. In the shadow, these crooks operate. The Fed says that the bank clearing system to which they originally pushed (ACH), is too slow. They want to establish a new clearing system under them called, "Fed Now." They also complain about citizens saving money in their homes. They call it hoarding of coins and dollars. This is probably a hidden jab at people who seek our previous money that had silver or actual goin coins. In any event, they call savers, hoarders. They have an answer. Now, you can get instantaneous checks like stimulus from them, immediately. This money will be digitized. The Fed can track the money and of course, you. They also will seek to open this "free" service to the 9 million citizens who lack a bank account. These are also people who carry money around with them and at home. By the way, this is another violation of the constitution. The first was in creating the Federal Reserve to which favored fiat money. Fiat money is the violation of the constitution. The founders also stated that Congress appropriate all monetary functions. This is the new violation of the constitution. Funny, then again, these crooks never mentioned the unknown amount of dollars being held by foreigners. Dear Reader, consider this example. When Brazil trades with Argentina, they do it in dollars. This is the true sign that the Fed has lost control of the currency. This is only to control you as the other amount of dollars out there is unknowable. Another reason to End the Fed!
Azure Cloud
the system not the color of the sky. It is poised to grow as Microsoft has made a deal with Space X. They will cover the globe.
Nuclear Fusion...
might not only be possible, but it could be coming soon, according to scientists and researchers. This is another worry for big oil and utility companies.
Interest Rates...
are showing signs of life. Money printing is inflationary. The rates may have a lid on them in the near-term, but the sign of change is in the air like the comet that recently passed over the sky.