- The best things in life are free, but you can keep them for the birds and the bees GIVE ME MONEY. That's what I want. That's what I want.
- Janie Bradford - Berry Gordy
Recently, when Trafigura purchased a cargo of nickel only to find nothing in the cargo bed, it lost $577 million. Fraud and a con? Absolutely! However, these things happen all the time. Central to every story is money. Retail investors get misled all the time even by respected names like Steve Madden and the king, Bernie Madoff. These revelations usually get revealed after the market has had a huge run-up with "cheap" money supplied by the Federal Reserve. They are the bearers of the corrupting vehicle. They run the elevator. They send the economy up and then, down.
...is not cheap. It is suppose to be a store of value. It is suppose to keep prices stable. It usually works until it is manipulated. Enter: the Fed and interest rates. It is why GOLD is the best money. It is why the crooks replaced it with fiat money. In the game of life, these crooks already made their fortune. Now, they seek ways to grab more and keep anyone else from attaining money. One main reason, it is the biggest influencer. It is why the rich established the Federal Reserve. The central bank controls our currency and that gives it the ability to control our lives.
Labor Shortage?
Well, if jobs were scarce, labor would be plentiful. At the moment, labor is in short supply. Many people have not returned to work after COVID. How they get by, I do not know. What I do know is people are tired of dead-end jobs with no raises, benefits or opportunity to advance. Job switching has been beneficial. The word has reached the Fed. The answer is inflation. With the smoke and mirrors of combating higher prices, the Federal Reserve has made money "expensive." They will keep at it until the economy slows to a recession. People will be laid off. Jobs will be scarce. Labor problem solved. Then, they can lower rates and repeat the process. Money will be cheap for those who have it and expensive for the rest of us. Consider this example. It is based on the price of a dozen eggs that we, at Evolution purchased at Albertson's. Here is your option: You can buy one dozen for $1.00 or an 18-count for $3.00? What are you going to purchase?
We won't insult you, but those are pre-inflation prices. Now, we give you an example of today's US government bond prices. Here is your option: You can purchase a 2-year note that yields 4.81% or get a 10-year note that yields 3.94%? Dear Reader, it gets worse. The government offers a 30-year bill that yields only 3.93%. This is how they insult our intelligence. Why, you ask? Because we all know that inflation is higher than any of the rates offered. Even if you are smart enough to choose the short term rate, you still lose. The only note that can actually cover inflation is the I-Bond. Of course, if inflation gets worse, even the I-Bond won't be enough.
Where is this going...
The debt ceiling is still out there. Politicians are gambling with our lives. Crooks like Scott of Florida want to cut social security. He is a lying, piece of ****. Social Security is given to people who paid into the fund. It is our money! Corrupt politicians have added other recipients who have not contributed. His argument is the same BS that the younger Bush declared when he offered his tax cut bill. He said, "The deficits will be paid off in ten years because the tax cut will stimulate the economy and the government will have more revenues."
We say, if we had cut our military and used the money for our nation, we would have quality jobs with a living wage. There would be less crime and more opportunity. However, money is in the way. People cut back on newspapers to save money. This lessens government opposition. The internet supplies the info, but there are so many sites, the impact is minimal. Now, it will be even less due to robotics. Are postings true facts or even written by humans? Enter the ChatGPT. It is sad but true. Even worthwhile sites like ours has little impact. If we had the third political party we could have a common demoninator. It would be the anchor to give hope and get our nation back to the tree of freedom. As it is...
Our economy...
is hanging on a thread. Concumers cannot get by on the paycheck-to-paycheck playbook. They needed an ourside source. They are using their credit cards. I hope that they are not thinking that their debt will be forgiven? They added the largest jump in January at 6%. If that sounds low, that is a 18.5% increase. What will they do if they get laid off? Then, we look at the global picture.
Petrol Dollars
This refers to Saudi Arabia and their oil. We buy their oil. They buy our bonds. Howver, they do not like our politics. When you add the fact that they received a previous, low-rate yield and the value of those "old" bonds continue to decrease, they are looking elsewhere. The BRICS alliance gave them an open invitation. If they drop our dollars for a new BRICS currency, world trade will go into chaos.When the dust settles, life in the US will be like a third world country. Everything will be expensive. We say, End the Fed! Peace.