I begin by reminding you of the rules and regulations concerning unemployment. To register to collect unemployment benefits, a worker must have at minimum 26 consecutive weeks of work. The past few weeks 700,000 retail workers were let go, pink slip, adios amigo! They will not be counted in the weekly report. They are seasonal, Christmas help. The point shows many aspects of our economy. The BLS says unemployment claims hit a fifty year low last week, but this fact shows there are many people out there willing to work. They are just tired of part-time employment. This is only retail. How many other work fields utilize seasonal help. There are many, especially agriculture. We have a lot of unemployed people, but they are not counted because they do not fall into the Department of Labor rules and regulations.
Money Facts
How about the saga of the furloughed government workers? I bring them up because federal workers are at middle class level. All their whining and crying due to the loss of one or two paychecks and they cannot afford to live. It is a reflection of the American mentality. They cannot control spending. They do not save for a rainy day. They do not know how to manage money. Very sad, indeed. Keep in mind that they represent the middle class. What about low wage earners like the 700,000 laid of seasonal help? There are many culprits as to why our basic citizen cannot make ends meet. Look at our so-called leadership! The government has run deficits since Bill Clinton was in office. Before that, you have to go to the Kennedy administration. The problem is the government just prints more money and you and I do not have that privilege. This is not a piece that will direct you to a money guru for advice, but look at our currency itself. It is the chief reason why as a society we are losing the middle class, the American Dream and our way of life. Simple: It is fiat money.
.65 cents an hour
Yes. That figure was the minimum wage at one time. Funny thing, people got buy because our way of life was much stronger. A gallon of gas was .30 cents or less. A teenager could find summer employment and the money he SAVED was enough to cover a local college come the Fall. However, our immoral government leaders kept spending like for the military and every year that they spent more than revenues, our dollar became less in value. In fact, since the Federal Reserve started in 1913, our dollar has lost 95% of its value. That is what fiat money does to a society. Here is another fact. There has never been a government who has succeeded using fiat currency. They all end in collapse. Hey, federal workers, did you read that? Understand it? This period of work without pay will happen again and again. Start saving for those rainy days.
Anyway, the Federal Reserve has its motives in greed. This greed leads to wealth which leads to power. This is why this group of unelected private bankers are for the banking industry. Congress violated the constitution by giving away its right to manage our currency and that currency should be backed by gold. Gold keeps government from running deficits. It also protects our standard of living. Our currency no longer has this solid foundation. It is just military strength behind the economy. The cost of fiat money has to get cheaper and cheaper because the debt it has created is larger and larger.
Some Aspects
Our national deficit keeps growing. Let me show you the recent trend. It is alarming! In 2009 the US debt was 60% of GDP. In ten years that deficit has grown another 40% to 104% of everything of value that is produced in our country. Could you live by spending and owing 104% of your income?
Of course, not. This point reflects the true danger of fiat money. It is easy to print, but difficult to pay. This is why the Fed cannot raise interest rates beyond 3.5% because our nation could not service the debt without raising taxes. If you want a poster child for a government that taxes everything, look at France. The French impose a 45% tax rate and tax anything and everything in society and still, the government is in debt with no money for stimulus projects.
How about the consumer? If you combine credit cards, auto loans, and student debt, it is now up 25% in the last five years to $4 trillion. The price of products, shelter and healthcare rise faster and higher than our wages. We always need more money because the value of our currency keeps declining. In many locations people need to use 50% of their income for rent. There is no discretionary money left on the table. A recent report reveals that 42% of Americans have no savings for retirement. The list is as long as the immigration line. The money tree that once was America is barren of green leaves.
A related point to this is student loans are defaulting at higher rate than mortgage defaults in 2007 and more than all junk mortgages in 2007.
How about corporate leadership? I should say, so-called leadership. Corporate debt is $9 trillion and rising. Within those borrowings is iconic brand names like GE, IBM and AT&T. Their rated bonds are BBB and falling. The biggest evil here is derivatives. Collateral debt obligations in 2007 was $61 trillion. They are now over $120 trillion. Fiat money numbers grow exponentially and the reality will dawn on the market place that they will not be repaid. This also means a day of reckoning and possible collapse of our currency which will lead to a collapse of our economy and depression.
By the way, China is even worse than us. Their debt in 2000 was $2 trillion. Today, it is up 2000% to $40 trillion or off the charts!
Fiat money is a failure and the Fed cannot raise rates. Fiat money can only continue this game by getting cheaper even negative. When the music of manipulation stops, you better have some gold under the last seat. End the Fed!