Dear Reader, if you bear with me, I will take a page from the late, great Rod Serling and together we can journey into a world where time, sound and dimension is similar to ours. Imagine, if you will, in this dual, bizarre world, things are done by its own perception rather than rule. There are hidden bureaucrats that work in conjunction with the "Deep State" which is run by the military complex. They answer to no one and yet, there actions have consequences to all. In this economic-military-geo-political world, they follow no precedent and their continuation is entrenched by their own schools that fill all gaps in personal. Sadly, they are the true masters of the nation. Doubly sadly, they believe that they are masters of the universe.
In this weeks episode, we look at oil.
Our government paid shills will tell you when the price becomes high and noticeable that oil no longer holds the power over our economy as in the days of old. One part of that statement is true. We lost all our manufacturing and therefore, we need less oil. The Federal Reserve does not include it in its inflation matrix which is another reason to End the Fed! However, you and I know differently. We need oil everyday and the government knows this too. It is why when Nixon went off the gold standard in 1971, world currencies and trade went into a tailspin. It is like the theme in my unpublished work, "All things are connected." Follow the dots and you can see the connection.
Nixon made a secret deal with the Saudi's under the cloak of this bizarre world. The pact with Saudi Arabia was this. We protect the House of Saud and you make sure that all transaction in oil has to be done in US dollars. Thus, the petrol-dollar exchange began and with all nations using fiat money, world trade started anew. The dollar remained number one as the world reserve currency.
Funny isn't it, the Fed does not recognize oil, but our currency depends on it. This aspect has kept the US dollar as the world reserve currency. Without this status, our economy could be crushed with inflation.
We could look at many world interactions by our Deep State except this is only a half-hour show. So, forgive me if I pass over Noriega in Panama, invasion of Grenada or even the failed coup in the Bay of Pigs. There are countless dictators in Africa and around the world that receive aid from the Deep State which is contrary to the words and ideas of our Founding Fathers. Today, we look at its latest machinations with the House of Saud.
Mohammed Bin Salmon
is the young, crown prince in Saudi Arabia. At the moment, this highly educated man is the minister of oil in the kingdom. He has a lot of new ideas for his country like preparing it for the day when oil is no longer in demand. In a conservative nation, he is liberally minded and I wish him well. Some of his countrymen do not. Rumors have surfaced lately on an attempt at his life for various reasons like his role in attacking Yemen or the leaders in Qatar. Maybe the hated Iranians. Who knows?
My story centers on oil and the kingdom has decided to go public with their state oil. The IPO has been in the works for years. It got placed in limbo due to the last recession and the falling oil prices. At one time analysts thought that the value of the IPO would be two trillion. That's right! Trillions of mullahs. After the fallout in the price of oil, the projected value of the IPO plummeted down to less than one trillion. The House did not like that. So, I guess they held a meeting and came up with a plan.
We now know the plan as actions speak louder than words. The Saudi's got OPEC to cut production. In addition, the House made a pack with non-OPEC member, Russia which was their largest competitor. Russia cut production and two years later, demand exceeds supply. Lo and behold, the price of oil rises. In the latest public lie, the two cohorts say that oil needs to stop at $80. Because deep inside they fear a push to alternative energy and the PR makes them look better.
Anyway, the manipulation goes deeper. You see, young Mohammed went on a world trip to promote the IPO which they plan to proceed with.
Three months ago and just before the huge upward movement in the price of oil, Mohammed meets Trump. I think that they made some kind of a pack. Trump bowed to the Deep State. Oil rose from the low forties to touch $80. Coincidence? C'mon!
Why the doubt, you ask?
Because while this tour was developing, China was counter-acting. The Commies have their own delusional Deep State influence. They want to be number one. In order to do that, they need to supplant the dollar. They held a meeting. They made a plan. This is their plan. If you sell oil to China, you must do it in Chinese currency, however you can have an option. You can receive GOLD in exchange for your oil...Wait! There's more! The plan has two parts.
China is spending hundreds of billions, maybe a trillion to rekindle the Silk Road. This was the ancient camel-back route that traders journeyed from the Chinese region to India, the Middle East and even Europe. The Chinese are also offering low, almost free money to anyone or any nation to join their alliance. This is why I say below that Europe will sell us out for Chinese gold and trade.
You have to admire the way the Chinese get things done and so quickly. If my unpublished book was in China, the ideas would already be activated while here it is not even in print. The only hope that I see here is China loses all their gold and their currency will crash due to all these new loans going bad. It is just a matter of time. The leading thinkers in the Pacific Rim express my conclusion this way when regarding the US and China: I rather have an evil that I know, than the evil I don't know. You can also read in this revelation that our Deep State represents evil. Of course, our dollar is already set to be devaluated, thanks to the Deep State. We are not much better than the Commies.
Back on target...
Now, folks, as much as I love dollars, I'd rather have gold. How about you? By the way, so would our Founding Fathers. Anyway, this is where our story ends and yet, it continues. I predict the EU will desert us for gold to which Brexit will become more important. The real kicker will be natural gas as the world turns to cleaner energy. Also, the next Fed meeting is on June 13th and I expect a rate increase, but I bet you this: there will be no mention of the rising price of oil. And they will say that inflation still does not meet their 2% target. So much BS from the Deep State.