2022 is the Year of the Tiger and it's hungry. The big cat is not the only one. The bear woke up from hibernation. It is very hungry. Worker bees all over the earth are seeking more for their efforts. This is one part of the inflation scenario. Then, there are evil workers like hackers. In 2021, they hit 77 government agencies, over 1,000 schools and over 1100 medical outlets. Everyone and everything are in a biting mood. The January barometer is negative which indicates a down year on the market. It could be like 2020 and bad for everyone?
We called the market. A correction is a natural occurrence in the marketplace. However, there is another bear that is threading on thin ice. The Russian buildup along the Ukrainian border is a very dangerous ploy. It has all the stupidity and ego of war-mongering generals. We fear their plan is to do a blitzkrieg. They will run from the North border, take the country by force and then, entrench their army on the other side of the nation. This will be the new border with Europe and NATO.
One jet with nuclear capability sees a tempting target. The pilot sees a field of tanks, weapons and nearby troops. One bomb, he thinks will end this. The consequences of this unforeseen action could and will destroy half the world. It will starve most of the survivors due to contamination, and for what? Live and let live, you stupid idiots!
workers need a living wage. Every job is important. There is a great example in Russia, that's right, the Russians are a great people. It is their leaders like ours that suck. Anyway, no one respected or wanted to do the work associated with garbage pick-up. The idea was to teach in school the respect these workers deserved. They do sanitation. They pick-up trash that smells. Those odors can eventually kill. They prevent bacteria and viruses from developing and spreading. They make our life better. We need this kind of teaching in our schools. Workers need rewards for their efforts. This is why, we, at Evolution back unions.
Now, some good news...
Good Act (Bill)
This bill stops medical facilities from ripping off patients with unasked for procedures with outrageous pricing. No surprises in medical are a big win for all of us.
COVID-19 Free Tests
The Biden administration spent some money that will help everyone. They are giving away up to four free test kits. You can apply online. Go to a library if you need computer help and access. The IP is: Covid Free Tests.gov.
You can also get a free 95-mask at local distribution centers. Again, you need to do the search online for your local area. So, for those who celebrate the new year in late January and early February, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Disclaimer: Contrary to the stock market and the geopolitical scene there are sports teams that welcome the Year of the Tiger. In college basketball, the Auburn Tigers, In the NFL, the Cincinnati Bengals and in baseball, the Detroit Tigers. Peace.