Milton Friedman? Ever hear of him? He was a great economist. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for economics. His birthday is 31st of July, although he will not be mentioned by the media and especially, the Fed. Why, you ask?
Great question. First off, his studies were honest, especially courageous. His conclusions go against the Federal Reserve, Big Government and their thinking as expressed by the elite who favor a New World Order (NWO). He championed individual rights and free enterprise. It is no wonder that he was never considered for the Federal Reserve. He would not sellout like Alan Greenspan. Did you know that a young Greenspan wrote a manifesto on GOLD? He showed in his thesis why it is the best currency for a stable economy. It is true, power corrupts.
we all are suffering from the effects of inflation. This blog is too small to get into all the ramifications of how it comes about and ways to derail against it. We are forced to enlist phrases like, "bottom line" to sum up a position. Friedman understood that like our Founders. In a free democratic society, citizens have responsibilities. For our part (not this blog), we have failed. It is getting harder with fake news. The basic idea of Milton Friedman in regards to inflation can be summed up as: the excess printing of money. He said, "A budget deficit is inflationary if, and only if, it is financed in considerable part by printing money."
Everything Is Financed By Debt
This is one of the major crimes of our government. Republicans will be fast to say, "See, all those unfunded programs by the Democrats is causing inflation." They are liars! The Republicans do and did the same thing when they had the majority. Both of our political parties are corrupt!
The government spends money that it does not have. The Federal Reserve backs them up by buying whatever debt that they produce. The Fed has been creating money from nothing in excess of 10% annually, while our GDP only grows by 2%. This is destruction of the dollar. Do not be fooled by the current rise in the dollar. There are many reasons like higher interest rates, world-war fear to find a safe place for your money or just currency manipulation. You buy and sell currencies. Your profit for traders is riding the trend in King Dollar. We, at Evolution have told you to watch the dollar. It is disrupting global trading. The real value for the dollar is probably .74 cents. Sad, but true. The Federal Reserve is the cause for inflation, but they do not take the blame for their actions. There are consumer examples everyday like the new Ford F-150. It only cost $109,000. Are you kidding me!? This reflects the destruction of our dollar and our standard of living.
Bigger Danger - 2nd Opinion
Ever hear of Edward Griffin? He wrote the book about the secret formation that became the Federal Reserve. He recently came out to express his new fear concerning the Federal Reserve. He says, "They are purposely destroying the US Dollar."
We, at Evolution always have this same fear. It is why our standard of living keeps declining. Our government talks about economic growth, but their formula is both corrupt and manipulated. How can you have growth when for example, you do not account for the sins of that growth? What I mean, you have shale well. It puts dangerous chemicals in the mixture to extract oil. That danger goes to our water supply, but there is no accountability to this aspect. Drug companies drain their harmful residue directly into the toilet to which goes into the water sytem. See, what we mean? Then, their inflation matrix does not include the three things that everyone needs everyday: food, energy and shelter. Manipulation!
Milton had some other insights. We have collected a few to remind you that good people are pushed aside for the sellouts, the shills and same old, same old. Ever wonder why this blog that called every economic happening correct is never recognized? We do, too?
Milton said, "Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program (example: think TSA)."
Society is stressing in education for class teamwork, however it is always an individual in pursuit of self-interest that achievements are made for civilization. Milton adds, "If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5-years there'd be a shortage of sand." In keeping the current teaching trend, Milton says, "If you put equality before freedom, you will get neither." Good old Ben Franklin said something similar. Keep in mind Milton's dangerous fear of inflation, "It is a form of taxation that can be imposed without legislation. It has always been a result of a rapid increase in the quantity of money and every deflation by a decline in the quantity of money"
hate him because their equality agenda is a form of communism. Their rule is concentrated power to which Milton says, "Power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it."
The man favored classical-liberal philosophy of minimal government (See how modern conservatives lie about the real use of the word, liberal?), the rule of law, individual rights and responsibilities. He is a GIANT! To which we add our meme, "End the Fed!" Peace.