Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Battle: State Rights Vs. Federal Government

This conflict started long before our independence. The people who pioneered America knew the tyranny of government, especially the monarchy. They united in the war for liberty, but were conflicted within over how to construct a new nation. States wanted liberties, but realized with a central government, governing would be an easier transition. With the constitution they thought that they had the answer. They settled on democracy as it seemed the least negative in forming a state.

You put things down on paper like an insurance policy, but life and lawyers throw obstacles that the original words on paper did not address. When you think about the civil war in America, one wonders if the southern states had asked for a national vote about leaving the union along with their state vote results, maybe the war could have been avoided? Maybe some type of restitution by the withdrawing states to the federal government could have been reached? It probably would have been a short term fix as European powers would have tried to enter upon the split. It is what it is.


We are entering the debate again as we have often re-visited this question. In all conflicts the federal government wins or at least reaches a compromise. The "pot" question is the latest to enter the fray.

It has many names...

The lingo on marijuana is as vast as the many regions with the US and the world for that matter. It was many years ago when George Harrison of the Beatles was arrested in Japan for concealing some cannabis in his luggage. In many places this is still the law. It is not however in ten US states, and yet, it is still illegal under federal law. If you fly from California where it is legal and land in New York, you will be sent to Riker's Island. If you survive that experience, you will go to court and probably pay a fine. What is one to do?

In our democracy citizens are rarely offered true democracy. We elect lawmakers who do not listen to the people who voted them into office. They condescend citizens by calling their wishes, "Populism."
Nevertheless, politicians understand the changing climate of the masses. They also know the need for more government revenues that are taxes, but never called taxes directly, if possible. So, from time-to-time referendums are added to ballots and government allows its citizens to express their intentions. This is why 10 states now have legal recreational Mary Jane, Thai Sticks, Panama Red, Columbian Buds, Acapulco Gold, Hawaiian and African Black along with your home grown varieties.

Other debate...

There is also the dangers of cannabis. This is the human frailty aspect. It is why some people cannot stop eating. They become fat. It is why some dudes say that they do not feel anything after a few drinks and then, wrap their car around a telephone pole. This is the sad tragedy of our beings. We do not look within like Socrates said, "Know thy self."

Sadly, their will be citizens who use pot only to have it be the gateway drug into something really dangerous and deadly like heroin. For the majority it will be a few moments of pleasure like a cocktail after work. Then, there is also the lies infused into society about the effects of cannabis. These phony made up tales have hid the powerful positive effects of marijuana in medical terms. Some elected leaders have offered a change in perception.Whether it is politicians seeking revenues or learning the truth, cannabis is now allowed legally in 33 states for medical use. In addition, 8 more states are studying the possibility of legalizing pot either for medical and or, recreational. The city of Northampton, Massachusetts thinks it found another hidden treasure in legalizing pot, "tourism." People will drive over the border to buy and return home in the same day.

Bye, bye, Sessions.

Recently, President Trump has stated that he is 100% behind medical marijuana. His AG which is the DA of America , Jeff Sessions was totally against cannabis. Trump forced him out of office. This will probably lead Trump to use pot as a "trump card" when he seeks re-election in 2020. The federal government will want to get their hands on tax revenues from the selling of pot. It is just a matter of time in some smoke filled back room before it becomes public. Count on it. Personally, I'm getting some pot as in cannabis stocks like Aphria or Aurora. Maybe watch an old Cheech and Chong movie?