Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Idiocy of Globalization

First off, let me say that I am not against global trading. However, the US, my country is the worst international trader in the world. One should always strive to be self-efficient. However, that is not always possible. Then, you trade. They might need what you got? Let's begin with the main benefactors of our outsourcing to which has destroyed our middle-class and standard of living.

South Korea

Our politicians were duped by the military into using our nation as a dumping ground for S. Korean exports. Many of their larger firms are really government subsideized enterprises. A basic American stand alone firm cannot compete fairly against a government corporation. We should never allow any government subsidized firm do business in America. This is socialism. It allows that form of economy to have the upper hand versus capitalism. Truth be told, we let South Korea send junk into our nation to keep them strong versus the Communists. Now, they have a powerful economy and the irony is unions are centerfold to their prosperity. Question? Do you think that they will fight the North Koreans if they had too? Do you think that they appreciate the suffering workers in our nation that allows them to live a better standard of living than we do? We do not need their cars, phones, TVs. Life will be Good when all our appliances are made in America. We need to return to protecting our economy and workers. This story can be repeated by almost every nation in the world.


They complain about quotas to their exports. In reality, their government does anything and everything to help their corporations and economy. The only positive with trading with Japan is their committment to excellence. They build to last. Our corporations came up with the concept of planned obsolesence. It is sad that they allowed idiots to control their government that led to war. Now, the sad reality is those same type of idiots have too much influence in our government. With that said, you should only trade for what you need or realize the trading entity has something to offer. Japan has something to offer, but we still need quotas. Again, government sponsored enterprises have a built-in advantage. 


They are ungrateful, egotistical, greedy and they are run with a philosophy that is anti-capitalist and anti-American. How can you trade with someone who demands that you reveal everything about your company? They want your blueprints and they offer no protection. How can you listen to their BS about protectionism when everything in their nation is controlled in one way or another by the government? The stupid elites think that by bringing this peasant nation into the 21st. Century that they would change their opinion of the West? Not happening. Now, if we put barriers to their economy, we will worry about war. This is the height of idiocy with globalization.

I could go on and on. The only positives that have come from globalization in recent years is foreign firms are building their factories in the US. Truth be told. They only do this because they realize the backlash will come to them because they use our nation as a dumping ground to help their own economies. We, at Evolution are always for American workers and against our military who have bankrupted our nation, allow hackers open entry and use our citizens as pawns in a global military police force. We are not the world's police force. All the pentagon has achieved is wasted money, resources and lives.


It is all around us. We have jobs that cannot sustain a living. We see people everywhere sleeping on the street, in cars and RVs. We get reports all the time about foreign diseases and intrusions into our environment, into our agriculture and economy. We have snakes destroying the Everglades. We have useless fish that are killing our eatable fish in the Great Lakes, rivers and streams. Get this!

Florida Oranges

A freaking Asian disease is killing Florida oranges. In 2007, Florida produced 250 million boxes of oranges. Last year, it dropped to 40 million due to the global intrusion. For those of you who understand the old math, that is a 83% drop. We are losing an important industry. Farms are dying. In 2007, there were over 8,000 growers. Today, it is falling to 2,500. We can thank the BS artists who push globalizations and open borders with no protections! COVID-19 showed us that we don't manufacture anything. We couldn't find a mask anywhere. With the mid-terms approaching, ask hard questions. What are they going to do to stop outsourcing? How about tariffs to protect what is left and close the deficit? We don't want to hear that the candidate is for jobs. We need life sustaining work, not subsistance level.  

Market Outlook

The near-term looks like the Bulls will try to force the market up even after the Fed announcement. The media will BS all the crap like "Buy the dip!" They are controlled by the people who the shills work for. Don't be fooled! Inflation isn't going away. Keep in mind that already 20 million households are behind on their utility bill and a report says those same companies will seek a 7% increase next year.     Peace.