Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Debate and Market Trends

 - All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence and success is sure.

- Mark Twain

The Debate (Trump v. Harris)

First off, this was no debate. A debate centers on a topic. One side declares their position. The other party gets to counter and offer a reason for the counter. The first side gets a rebuttal and offers more proof of position. The opposing side gives their last chance to prove that their position is correct.

Concept of Deduction

Deductive arguments differ from nondeductive arguments in that the truth of their premises ensures the truth of their conclusion.

In the above quote by Mark Twain I would add two more features that has changed since his time. The ability to lie and use the lie in a half truth, the modern sound byte.

When a moderator offers a topic like oil and fracking, the responses are: Trump reminds us that Harris opposed fracking and her policies will destroy the oil industry. Harris says that she reconsidered her call on fracking. She no longer is against it and domestic oil production is at its highest during the Biden administration. Trump's reply. She also wants to defund the police. What debate?! 

Harris replies that Trump caused the January 6th riot. Trump replies that he asked both Pelosi and the mayor of Washington, D.C. to have the national guard on standby, but his request went unheard.  

As you can see, each spins the topic to attack the other, but they never offer any depth to their stance.

Inductive Reasoning

This is logical reasoning that involves: a general conclusion based on specific observation or evidence.

The moderator asked about the immigration problem.

Trump said the problem started with Biden and Harris who repealed his border policy. He says the reason is because these immigrants (he estimates 11 million) will identify with the Democrats, but they are really the criminals from countries who are glad that they are gone. Harris replies that there was a border bill, but Trump got his Republicans to block it. This implies that Trump only cares about himself and not the good of the nation. He wanted to use the issue to get reelected.

Trump replies the crime stats prove that these criminal immigrants like in Aurora are causing crime. He adds the illegal immigrants in Springfield are stealing and eating people's pet dogs.

We ask, When did he observe this? Is their any evidence? The half truth of immigrant gangs gets pushed aside because of the crazy accusation of "eating dogs!" As for Harris, there was no specifics in the bill other than more border guards. Her half truth.  

These types of spins go on and on. The questions themselves were not inflective to ordinary Amercicans. There were four on abortion. Our stance is this: We approve of abortion under incest, rape and other crimes. We approve to protect the life of the mother. To kill an unborn is a crime, especially when there are so many other options like adoption. Enough said. 

There was only one question on the economy. Get real! There were no questions on our national debt or the aspect that our government needs a new debt ceiling. Trump offers tax cuts. This adds to our debt. Harris is worse. Her $25,000 house assistance give away is blatantly buying votes just like Biden with his student debt forgiveness. Both candidates seek to buy votes with no understanding of the dangers of our national deficit or to the dollar as the world's reserve currency.

The take on the wars was just oppotunity to spin. Both candidates claimed victory with the debate. Amazingly, the news networks immediately had polls reflecting the debate. This is not to be believed. After the debate, Bloomberg put in large lettering on its website, "Harris calls for a cease fire." I ask, "Who doesn't?" I'm sure that pro-Trump sites had their half truths.

This is what America gets to achieve the highest office in the land? Here at Evolution, we feel that JFL would chew up both of these candidates and spit them out. This is why we do not vote. We cherish the right, but we will not validate the two corrupt political parties. Our non-vote shows our disgust. We advocate for a third political party, the Liberty Party. The platform is simple. Protect American labor and industry. End the military as a police force of the world and strive to promote the general welfare. 


The market surged up. The belief in a large rate cut coming from the Fed today was behind the thinking. The Industrials and the S&P 500 were approaching new highs last week. This might give cause to our last piece that declared the elevator is going down. We still feel conviction. The rally did not have enough volume which reflects not everyone is convinced about the uptrend. As for the candidates, we can only pray for God's help.    Peace.

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