Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Pot could generate big income and government always wants revenue. This is why we can drink and gamble. Our federal government is looking into the legalization of pot just like the 11 states that allow recreational use and the 33 (Majority) that allow medical use of cannabis. With that said, consider the following.

This is the point in time where we are at in the US. A 69-year old woman from North Carolina can testify after she testifies in court. She was arrested outside the gates of Disney World in Orlando, Florida with the possession of hashish oil. She told the police that it is CBD oil for pain. It is made from pot. The police like to make their arrests appear better by making the innocent victim appear more guilty before going to court which compromises innocent until proven guilty. Go figure?
How about this? Two truck drivers were pulled over in Idaho for transporting pot. They told the police that they were carrying hemp which by the way, is now legal in the US. The cops put them in jail anyway. They are awaiting trial.
The two episodes reveal the daily problem with cannabis in America. Although the federal law still makes marijuana illegal, it is legal in 33 states in one form or another. It is legal in 10 states and D. C. for recreational use. The problem is simple. What is legal in one state may not be legal in another. With that said, the trend for national legalization is a work in progress.

What's in it for me?

You asked and I'll answer. There is a $4 trillion market out there and cannabis will disrupt it. Companies that sell alcohol, tobacco, pharmaceuticals and soft drinks will be the target.  Here is a breakdown in the category.
*Pharmaceutical =                                               $1.1 trillion
*Alcohol             =                                               $1.5 trillion
*Soft drinks        =                                               $1.1 trillion
*Tobacco            =                                               $ 791 billion
*Illicit market    =                                                $ 200 billion

Cannabis will be competition to all these markets and then, there will be the growing, creative uses under medical and therapeutic. The categories will expand with usage. I like Aurora (ACB). The leader in the field is Canopy Growth. The two companies have a leg up on the competition through the legalization of weed in Canada. I believe that there will be enough profits to go around and even fund a sequel to Cheeks and Chong's, Up In Smoke.


Even with all the good news surrounding pot companies and their explosive revenues, the various stock firms are all languishing in the market. Why, you ask?

One of the chief reasons is behind the scenes politics along with corruption. Big, greedy money did not jump into these firms from the get-go. They played a wait-and-see approach. After the dust settled, which is now, they are seeking entry. With that said, they want the cheap, original offer price. Many of these big cats have stakes in the competition to which is listed above. The "sin" stockholders have no qualms about the virtues of the product, only the profits. These same people have the Congressional members on their sim card. We, at Evolution, can only hypothesis what that phone call might have said. We ascertain this theory from what we are clearly able to see. The police have allowed illegal pot/medical shops to operate out in the open. The kid on the corner has been replaced by an air-conditioned shop in an outlet shopping center.

Just in LA

The black market operators have over 250 stores un that city that dispense Mary Jane.  Estimates range that these outlets earn 7x what legal firms sell. Dear Reader, this is lost tax revenue for California. This is happening in over 33 states. The government has not acted, but I can tell you that they have been collecting data. I see a big change coming. If you want a prediction, I say that on this Halloween, the police coordinate with a huge

Crack Down

like a flash back to prohibition era. They will raid and close all these shops. The next day, all those suffering pot firms that are listed will rise like smoke into the upper layers. Maybe like a sequel to Up In Smoke Two?