Wednesday, January 24, 2024

No High Five Here

Congrats, Yes! No!

One side of me wants to congratulate the country of Japan for being the fifth nation to land something on the moon. The other side begs, pleads, screams and worries why space garnishes so much attention while important matters for our existence on earth are overlooked?

1st Step

I understand that the moon serves as the first step into a deeper understanding and eventually, the colonization of planets, but in the here and now, earthly inhabitants have not demonstrated that we can take care of our home base, let alone develop another one.


It is abundant in theory, but fresh, drinking water that sustains our life is dwindling and faces contamination. Man has always used water locations to dump their residue. As man progressed, he learned to harnish the earth's most valuable commodity by building dams, retention ponds and aqueducts to provide this necessary component of life. If we flash forward to the end of the 19th century, enlightened civil servants spent to develop infrastructure that featured a plumbing system that provided indoor access for drinking water. It provided a safe way to exit our faeces that gave us our modern world. The system not only gave comfort, but improved sanitary conditions for all citizens. Those government leaders displayed a better service to society and the nation than our present government leaders.

One Problem

The infrastructure was not complete. The government at the time needed tax revenues to do the work. They did not have the revenues to complete the job. Maybe they did not have the technology? Maybe what was known was too expensive? Maybe their ego to be re-elected and being associated with more taxes to finish the system got in the way? Who knows? That answer is not important. Finishing the job is the real question that needs to be answered. 

They let their ego run. They gave their citizens a better life. They dumped the sewerage into the oceans, rivers and lakes. Today, we see the results. 

Clean Water Act

It came as a result of the Cuyahoga River setting itself on fire in 1969 due to dumping in the river. They say that the river is actually safe today because protections got put into place. You can eat the fish from it. To which leads to all the other fish that can feed us in all the other bodies of water. Forget the moon! We need our nation and every nation on the planet to address this contamination. All sewerage water, all excess residue from factories, et al. needs to be treated before being entered into other bodies of water. We, at Evolution believe that almost all illnesses can be traced to poor, dirty, contaminated water. If we want to add to our food supply? If we want to fight cancer? If we want to promote the general welfare? We need to improve our infrastructure. We need to finish the job started over 100 years ago.

Bigger Problem

Our oceans are becoming cesspools that have visible rings of garbage floating on the surface. Who knows what dangers are happening below the surface? However, we can see the results in species. The list of extinct species was not enough to alarm the world. The present visuals of tangled plastic poisioning the remaining species should be our wake up call to action. There are good people trying to help, but money and its shrinking value makes it almost impossible for small groups to achieve any sustaining work. Another reason to End the Fed!

Anyway, our idea is from our founder's unpublished book. It could be the start to end the pollution in our oceans. Every ocean going ship should be taxed because we all know that they pollute. The tax can only be used to develop a process to clean the oceans and find a safe way to dispose of plastics. One way is to develop a "Pollution Ship." This boat would act like a trawler to collect the garbage floating on the surface. The more we look at the problem, the more solutions can come to light. Maybe the fifth idea will be the right one for all of us on earth and not an ego trip to space.

We all need to protect the most precious commodity on earth or we will end up a lifeless, dust bowl that is diseased riddened with poisoned waters. Clean Water Now! Peace.