Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Second Corrupt Link

 - "judiciary...will always be the least dangerous to political rights of the constitution. The Executive holds the sword. The legislature controls the purse and makes the rules. The judiciary has no influence and can take no active resolution whatever."

- Alexander Hamilton advocating in his Federalist Paper #78.

Quick review:

The Federalist Papers were written to get each free colony/state to ratify the constitution and become one new nation. Dear Reader, you know my stance on the phony, corrupt Federal Reserve. They are destroying our nation's living standard. By breaking away from gold to fiat, it has allowed the military to spend and influence both political parties for its purposes. However, there is another corrupt link within our system, the Supreme Court. 

Last week, Judge Stephen Breyer said that he will retire. Who will Biden get to replace him? Early politics says it will be a black woman. I say, I could care less. Why, you ask?

Did you not read the above BS by Hamilton? He got away with it because people had less education and what was known was passed down by word of mouth. The knowledge of the time said that European aristocrats took advantage of people with the court system. Judges were appointed by the rich for the rich, just like our Federal Reserve. Anyway, a wealthy person could employ a carpenter to remake his stables and coach. After the job was completed. He didn't pay. Go to court! The judge always favored his rich cousin over the working class. No justice! People believed Hamilton's lies. It didn't take long for the oversight in forming this third branch of government. By the way, Jefferson said that he never intended for the court to have the power it took by the oversight.

Judicial Review...

became the oversight. It resulted in saying that the supreme court has the last word to review actions by Congress or the Executive. It was said that this is the checks and balance within the three branches of government. This is a lie!

There is no check and balance. It is checkmate! Whatever the court decides becomes law of the land with no one having a say in this appointed realm. Yeah, the constitution gives us the right to add amendments. This is very difficult. For example, at one time, the court said that "separate but equal" was valid. No one even offered to fight this ruling with an amendment. People, you can get any decision that you seek as long as you put people in power who favor your thinking. There is no independent thinking. This is a myth! 

I have a solution. It is in my unpublished work, The Evolution of Democracy: The Book of Multiple Ideas and Predictions. However, if I put the answer here in the blog, who will buy the book if it ever gets published? Another reason is theft. Someone with influence can read and take the idea. He can claim it is his own. I'm sorry, but this is the way the world really operates. Too bad in 1789, the colonists didn't have a Monday Morning Quarterback. They could have amended the power of the court with my resolution. Peace.