Wednesday, March 2, 2022

What Needs to be Done, Now!

 As you know, my two biggest pet peeves are the Federal Reserve and the military. This piece may make our comments sound hypocritical, but bear with me. When you spill milk, shouting is not the proper response. Why did it happen? Usually, the answer is carelessness. You should seek to be more patient. Anyway, the Fed gives us our cross of debt. The military gives all of us the cross of a nuclear war to which is death for everyone and the planet. The problem is the Federal Reserve violates the constitution with fiat money. This "fake" money allows the military to run up our deficits, year after year. Everything that they do or say is wrong. The word intelligence is a joke. They just wasted over $3 trillion in the past twenty years. Then, there are the lives that were harmed or lost due to their stupidity in the Middle East. The lies that they spread to achieve their aims. They are squanderers with self-interest. The only time that the military should be heard is in times like now. Consider for a moment, what we could have achieved with a proper use of that money? My water idea which I remind you would end flooding along all rivers, provide relief for farmers, clean Hydo power and clean water for all our citizens. Green innovations? Other ideas to help our society and maybe the global community?

Sadly, this leaves us little options. The warmongers in Russia and their leader are predicably following an ancient philosophy. Putin is at an age where power consumes your soul. The theory states that there are four stages in life. Being born (first stage), and we grow to reach the childbearing stage (2cd). This is followed by wealth and consumer period (3rd). Then, one seeks a legacy of power (4th). This is dangerous for all of us. The person knows that death awaits. He could care less about other lives. We need to prepare and prepare properly. There is some hope in the philosophy. A person mellows in the later stages of the fourth quadrant. He seeks to do good. The only fear is if the person is a sociopath like a serial killer. 

Nevertheless, an agreement should be reached among all the allies on what to do if Putin pushes the envelope? It is foolish to die a thousand cuts. The correct answer is scary and tragic. It does no good rusting in a silo. This is why we never should allow the military to influence government. Their machinations and schemes lead to these situations. Now, we must do what we normally do and believe. Society gives the death penalty for murder. War is murder. Hey, Putin, can you figure what I'm suggesting? Stop, this ego BS!

EU, US and Global Community...

should find a solution to help border nations with Ukraine to assume the wave of refugees. This should not be tent cities that gives photo opts. We need a continuation plan to help everyone involved. 


is foremost on the list. An enemy would love to win a conflict without nuclear. Cyber is the way. Every day in the news, someone or firm is attacked for ransomware. In war, it could mean cutting of communications, power in utilities and production to supply our troops. Dear Reader, our internet was allowed to function without the proper security. A computer should tell you that a malicious or unknown address is seeking into your system the moment that it happens. We don't have that. We have patches after the fact. The government needs to set up a new closed-circuit system. It would have the power to over-ride a hack on any member deemed necessary for our nation to continue. So, the moment a firm is attacked, they close their system. They reopen through the closed system until the threat is removed. By the way, no one in the government can have access to this system from outside the system. We don't need another Rosenberg like in the Manhattan Project. 

We also do not need to use a cyber-attack on Russia. It would only allow them to know how we would do it and then, plan a counter. We don't need to give them any real intelligence. This is really dangerous because we have demonstrated that we don't have any intelligence or patience.

In addition, we need every chip maker in Taiwan to send their chip blueprints to this system, immediately! They also need to have a self-destruction system with all data and blueprints that could be utilized at a moment's notice. The BS from China about Chinese culture and history of the island is a smokescreen to the fact that we built up Taiwan as the chipmaker to the world. They seek to control the chips. If they did, they can stop an economy. Hopefully, after the threat is removed, the data can be returned to these firms. They can begin again to produce for everyone.

Hypersonic Jet

We had strange moving objects in the sky last year. At the same time, Russia announced that they have developed the first hypersonic jet. I believe that they tested it. Maybe, they think that they can control the skies? We need another Chuck Yeager! We need to start yesterday at producing a flyable, hypersonic jet. It should be similar to the Virgin Atlantic plane that flies passengers to a trip in space. The military version should be able to break the atmosphere to enter space. Then, we will control the high ground. This is better than nuclear. The ability would give all of us peace because this jet could destroy any satellite. We would control communications. Only an idiot would start trouble knowing that we can shut down all their communications. Then, we need to return to our previous problems. We need to End the Fed! We need to end all military entanglements! We need to Give Peace a Chance!